old books - a question


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25 May 2011
near Barcelona
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Hello and good evening
I wonder if someone can give me some advice => I own 13 pilot books published by the Hydrographer of the Navy dated from 1982.1983,1975, to 1990 and so on ....Africa Pilot Volume 1,East Coast of the United States..etc
My question is simple...do I throw them away?
I guess they are way to old now ..as will be all the charts I still have from 15 years ago.
I am clearing out ..it is breaking my heart, but it needs to be done
Can someone spend some letters for me please? ;-)
Thank you,
regards Bettina


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13 Aug 2011
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Do not junk them

The old pilots are of little practical use today, since the modern cruising guides are much better. However, they are antiques.

The old charts are great as ornaments, table tops etc and actually good for cruising today.

One huge plus is that they show land contours etc that are omitted from modern charts and electronc charts.


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25 May 2011
near Barcelona
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..the pilot books have all gone to the ..but I decided to hold on to the charts ..as land does not move
Nobody here in Spain took any notice when I advertised them as wall paper ;-)
They don't eat much space ..
Thank you for your answer


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5 Sep 2007
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If you sail in busy waterways such as the English Chanel then perhaps you need the latest info regarding lights etc. but if like me you sail in more remote waters then they remain almost just as valid with care as when they were produced. Fitzroys survey of Tiere del Fuego/Magellan Straits still constitute the basis the Admiralty chart of that area.
I use a copy of an 1865 Chart of Arisaig Bay(the only one available)to navigate on and off my mooring;and most of the Sea Lochs hereabouts in their less frequented parts soundings were last lead lined in the 1880s!
I have a collection of A4 laminated sheet of relevant parts of 1865 Charts compliments of The National Library of Scotland-eg Plockton Bay;Tobermory Bay.I find the lead lined depths and the 3d topography and approach sketches far more useful than new charts.
As well as current Imray Pilots I use West of Scotland Admiralty Pilot 1958 edition corrected to 1976; plus Clyde Cruising Clubs Pilot circa 1968!