As I recall the Alfasud was named Car of the year once and flock wallpaper was not just for pubs and indian restuarants. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Nothing to do with the fact that MBM got free Sealines for years or the fact that Sealine must be one of their biggest advertisers. No, nothing to do with that, I'm sure
Anyway the whole thing was a ridiculous sham because the 'contest' (I use that word advisedly) was restricted to boats MBM have tested and since they test say 1 or 2 boats a month, thats hardly representative of the whole market.
Just cheapo editorial filler.
And what exactly was wrong with the ALFA SUD apart from the dreaded rot bug!! I sold a rebuilt mint condition one last year and couldn’t believe the interest it generated.
My vote for boat of the year……………………… NORDHAVEN /forums/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
Watch out lads, your prejudices are showing !!! Has anyone else tried all of the boats mentioned, and not just had a look on them but actually taken them out, perhaps we should before commenting ?? Mind you why let a little knowledge affect our prejudices eh, Sealine are s****e, aren't they, no matter what!
Brendan, you're right they weren't free. MBM paid for them under a special lease arrangement with Sealine. But MBM do seem to have got them on preferential terms
Getting a boat is on preferential terms is fine. But editorial independence (indeed, any independence) is as much about perception as reality. You have to be seen to be independent as well as be independent. So I dont think that naming a Sealine as boat of the year is a clever thing to do. I wouln't have done it if I were editor. I'd have excluded Sealine from consideration for the prize and explained why in the detailed text of the article.
Of course there's no bias. How dare you even suggest such skullguggery!
In next months issue they will be covering the following...
ANCIENT MARINERS....(inside story by A. Seanile)
INTERESTING BOAT NAMES (starting with Salena I)
BOAT MORTGAGES (officially known as a Sea Lien)
they also commended the Broom 39 I believe which is their current mag boat.
No I believe if you look at the reasons they give for the F34 being MoBo of the year, its a combination of Sealines usual inovation (extending platform) etc, accomodation for its size, usable flybridge for its size, and value for money. Dont think any of the other three big UK names, Princess Fairline Sunseeker, do an entry level 34ft flybridge to compete.
Powerskipper, I used to own a Sealine 305 which was one of the forerunners of the F34 but, fundamentally, the boat has'nt changed. Apart from the fact that it was comfortably the worst built boat I've ever owned (yes, I know Sealines are better now, I've owned 2 newer Sealines since which were very reliable) it was also the worst handling boat I've ever owned as well. It was a pig to manouevre at slow speeds because of its sterndrive configuration, large windage and no bowthruster in my case and, at speed, it used to porpoise in certain conditions which was a bit off putting. Also, it was very sensitive to trim tab position - if you tabbed the bow down too much, it would sheer off line. The final straw occured in mid Channel when the flybridge coaming started to detach itself from the deck saloon because the self tapping screws it was secured with had pulled out
That was the first and last time my wife told me to buy a better boat
I am intrigued. Does the F34 handle a whole lot better?
she does,
there is a set of MOD buoys just alone Southampton water and on a demo was asked to push the boat to show them the extreme actions/tip of the boat, started off cautiously as always, did it twice, last 2 buoys where taken throttles full open, she just took them , felt very steady and the wheel was not fighting me at all, this was as far as we could get her to swing and at no time did I feel remotely unsafe. and neither did the clients wife.
The S29 Coupe looks quite nice.A lot less cluttered than previous err stuff.Just couple of minor points,with the transom door safely shut how do you gain access to side decks without trampling on that nice(white of course) upholstery and when yer anchor comes up with a great big glob of icky stricky stinky mud onnit,how exactly do you clean it off.Or does it stay on the end for weeks dripping goo and staining the bow.
Ps.The 11th commandmant,ieThat all posters shall have the right to spout on about stuff they know nothing about and further to be able to bait S.........e owners in perpetuity shall be strictly adhered to ad infitnitum.... /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
As I see it there are two approaches to these forums
1) Offer helpful informed advice on subjects about which you are knowledgable and have experience.
2) Blather on about stuff you may or may not know anything about just to wind other people up.
It seems to me that lots of peeps have been doing the latter on this post so in the interests of fairness I feel I ought to contribute some of the former.
Could somebody please give me an F34 to aid my research!!!
Stop nagging ... we're getting there. I'm sort of wondering tho, whether once the newly recovered furniture returns from oop norf and the new carpets are laid throughout, Mr B might not fall in love with Tommy all over again.