I had a similar experience with Grohe.
The thingy that holds the shower to the rail had cracked. Send an e-mail to Grohe to ask if this item was sold seperately. It was in the post the next day, no charges.
They have an interesting approach to ensuring next day delivery. When they have all the orders they can complete overnight they shut down the website! All very well but when you want just to look up an item it's a real pain!
With screwfix, if it can't go by parcel post then it always takes two days to get here.
That's only 20 miles from Edinburgh.
The goods sit at the local depot for a day after they arrive then are delivered some time the next day.
Their delivery service is let down by the local carriers.
I am currently waiting for some bits from Screwfix, they should have been be here today but they are sitting in the Lynx depot in Edinburgh. The excuse this time is 'they were late in arriving at Edinburgh'. The last time (another supplier)it was 'the goods were not securely packed' Those goods took three times longer to come from the supplier in Southern Ireland to Edinburgh than to cover the final 20 miles, and so it goes on.
Still, this is infinately better than it was when I stayed 30 miles from Inverness. Thursday was the delivery day for our village, and that was that, unless you collected it from Inverness.
I use Screwfix a lot and find their replacement policy very good. They now even stock nuts & bolts in A4.