Notices to Mariners Week 47


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5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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Easy week this week.


1. Notification of issue of a new edition of the Admiralty Small Craft folio for the Thames Estuary bringing them up to date with notices issued this year. I have listed the notices (which are included in my tables) against each folio so that you can see if its worthwhile upgrading - mind you most of you are using electrickery aren't you? But I had the data so there you are.

2. I have included the Trinity House notice about the change from the East Last/Gore to Copperas Channel that Dick (Cantata) threaded about last week with an image to show the intended new positions. Not going to happen until February.


1. London Array Wind Farm weekly undate. New foundations going in this week that will form one side of the avenue we will in future have to use to get to Foulger's. Probably not the week to use Foulger's! The cable laying is clear of the Columbine/Whitstable Street, sort of due north of Swalecliff. I have asked Marine Traffic if I can in future use a screen dump of the cable laying ships position but am waiting for an answer.

2. Sucking and blowing in the Orwell by the good ship Orca in and about the port of Ipswich and Long Reach.

C'est toutes mes amis.

Burnham Bob

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18 Jul 2009
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I'm sure I ought to know Roger but where is the consolidated table of updates available?

Having just acquired the essex and suffolk rivers folio and the ramsgate to tower bridge folio for the start of this season i'm not sure i want to spend £80on replacing charts that haven't been used as much in anger as i'd like due to the lack of sailing weather and SWMBO's list of things we had to do and places we had to go now i'm semi retired........

Burnham Bob

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18 Jul 2009
Burnham on Crouch
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silly me.......followed the crossing the thames estuary link and found them......for some reason i thought they were on the East Coast Sailing site or the East Coast pilot site......

thanks Roger - keep up the good work its much appreciated


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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The direct answer to your question is to go to the permanent list and in the first item, you will see in the right hand column taht I have provided a list of each NtM by number affecting each chart within the folio. If you then scroll down the 2011 Notices you will find the various notices in numerical order. My recollection is that there is one from the 2010 list which you can bring up in a separate way.

The alternative is if you pm me an email address I could probably cut and paste the word file (which I use as a backup for the construction of the web page) in a few minutes. One caution though. For some strange reason the UKHO never published a NtM regarding the Crouch buoyage changes. What they did was to issue very quickly a new chart 1975 - Thames Estuary Northern Part and 3750 the chart of Crouch and Blackwater. So you will have to use the download from the 2011 list of notices which I took from the Crouch Harbour Master's web site. The replacement chart - 5606.6 - in this new edition of the folio is probably the only one that has had major change.

If others are interested in this please PM me with an email address. Shouldn't take me long! There are probably only 4 or 5 notices - if that - that might make a difference and with the exception of 5606.6 where you can use a download of my PDF of the crouch buoyage and treat yourself to an A3 print of it at Staples, all of them can be easily marked up from the Notices. And you are probably pretty comfortable with the Crouch Buoyage anyway


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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silly me.......followed the crossing the thames estuary link and found them......for some reason i thought they were on the East Coast Sailing site or the East Coast pilot site......

thanks Roger - keep up the good work its much appreciated

Our posts crossed. The offer of the Word file stands.

The way we work it is that the East Coast Sailing nav pages pick up directly via a link from the CTTE site so its always identical. It enables Colin to be web master for those pages that he has to control and me as web master for CTTE to update the Nav pages without troubling him.


Well-known member
17 Jan 2007
For some strange reason the UKHO never published a NtM regarding the Crouch buoyage changes. What they did was to issue very quickly a new chart 1975 - Thames Estuary Northern Part and 3750 the chart of Crouch and Blackwater. So you will have to use the download from the 2011 list of notices which I took from the Crouch Harbour Master's web site. The replacement chart - 5606.6 - in this new edition of the folio is probably the only one that has had major change.

And given the mess applying the buoyage changes by hand made of my 1 year old copy of 5606.6 I think I'll be investing in the new folio :(

Would've been nice if they'd published a print and paste update chartlet (thought about doing my own but can't be *rs*d!)


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5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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I think even for the full UKHO chart 1975 of the northern part of the Estuary it would be beyond their print and paste size.

Just to make it a more difficult decision, you could opt for Imray's 2000.8 folio which has the added advantage of accurate Ray Sand depths and the Ray Sand buoy in the right place. It doesn't have the two safe water marks as they came after publication. If you do get the Admiralty 5606.6 can you see if the Ray Sand Buoy is in the right place in the new edition?:D

Either way you get an update of the contours from that latest survey for the Crouch HM. I guess becuase of those changes and the buoyage the UKHO went straight for reprints which came out within days of the buoyage being finished.


Well-known member
17 Jan 2007
I think even for the full UKHO chart 1975 of the northern part of the Estuary it would be beyond their print and paste size.

You're probably right at that, hadn't thought it through had I? :)

Just to make it a more difficult decision, you could opt for Imray's 2000.8 folio which has the added advantage of accurate Ray Sand depths and the Ray Sand buoy in the right place. It doesn't have the two safe water marks as they came after publication.

Don't really know why, as in I can't explain it logically, but I just have a preference for the Admiralty charts over the Imray ones. Must be something to do with the colours I guess

If you do get the Admiralty 5606.6 can you see if the Ray Sand Buoy is in the right place in the new edition?:D

Ah yes, that had me confused for ages, kept thinking I was getting my nav wrong, until I spotted the correct position on your wonderful web site, updated my chart accordingly, and suddenly found that I was in the right place after all!

Either way you get an update of the contours from that latest survey for the Crouch HM. I guess becuase of those changes and the buoyage the UKHO went straight for reprints which came out within days of the buoyage being finished.

Really probably was too big a change to be done as an NM wasn't it. Shame though that the Admiralty don't offer the individual charts of each folio when only one or two of the dozen or more have actually had major changes

And that, I guess, is a strong argument in favour of the Imray charts. Hmmm!


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5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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I think it odd that there was no notice listing the new buoys. There was one about the Inner Whitaker changes but that was all. So we were supposed to pick up the fact that there had been major changes from the rather clipped notes about the publication of the new chart editions - which is in a different part of the notices. I think that's a bit odd.

I tend to agree with your preference but when some Imray people were on board in the summer and confronted me about the 'opposition' charts on board, I'm afraid I bumbled on embarrassingly about all sorts of silly excuses.

I was a bit worried when doing the very first chart which was the Ray Sand. Had I noted the position of the Ray Sand wrongly (we were using a lot of pencil in those days), was my GPS inaccurate, had I put the numbers upside down. I don't think it gets lifted very often and therefore a long since anyone checked its actual position.

Lucky Duck

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9 Jun 2009
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Has there been a noticed issued about the works on the Felixstowe shore around Cobold's point?

There was lots of activity there last weekend including various ships very near the shore and pipes being taken out from to connect with them but the only local navigation warnings being given on the coastguard VHF broadcasts were the exclusion zone around Southend Pier and the works to remove the baffle wall off Bradwell Power Station.