Notices to Mariners - Week 40


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
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UKHO Permanent/Prelimiany/Temporary Notices:
1. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. -
Two reductions of depth in the southern Yantlet Secondary Channel between the Cliffe Fleet and Tanker port hand buoys. Unlikely to hinder leisure craft.
2. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - 5 reductions of depth on the Whiting Bank off Orford Haven. 4 around the SW Whiting SCB and one by the NE Whiting NCB.
3. ENGLAND - South East Coast - Depths. - 6 reductions of depth in the outer harbour of Ramsgate. There have been two earlier NtMs notifying similar reductions of depth so this image includes all.
4. ENGLAND - East Coast - Depths. - This preliminary notice is prompted by the recent Civil Hydrographic Programme and reports 4 reduced depths at the Long Sand Head two-way route. The depths are relevant to Shipping so leisure craft are unlikely to be hindered. This year we have had two earlier notices about depths at the Long Sand Head and a Trinity House notice announcing the new East Longsand Head cardinal buoy and the move of the Longsand Head north cardinal. I have created a drawing of the area incorporating all the changes; these latest 4 in magenta.
Greenwich Reach - Masthouse terrace pier scaffolding - Mariners are advised that, on or about Monday 23rd September 2024, contractors will commence works on the piles at Masthouse Terrace Pier, including the downstream isolated pile. Works will last for
approximately 8 weeks and take place during daylight hours only. The general location of the works is indicated by the red box on the chartlet: see images in the Local List at Notices to Mariners. Scaffolding will be installed to encompass each of the piles to provide a platform for contractors to carry out the routine maintenance. The scaffolding on either end of the pier will be supported by the berth and will rise and fall with the tide. The Scaffolding on the downstream isolated pile will be fixed. Workboat CHILLI DOG will assist in the installation and demobilisation of the scaffolding and at times a safety boat GUARD DOG will be in attendance. All vessels involved in the works will be maintaining a listening watch on VHF Channel 14. At times during the operation, requirements to proceed with caution or at slow speed, will be made in accordance with the procedures set out in the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, ‘Section 4’ with the International Code Flags ‘Romeo Yankee’ displayed. The display of these signals will be in addition to any other lights or shapes required under local regulations and the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. Further details will be broadcast by London VTS on VHF Channel 14.
2. IPSWICH - Restricted Lock operations – Lock Repairs - engineering works are ongoing on the lock with a requirement for the divers to return to conduct further engineering works. Lock timings will be maintained as per N to M No 29 up until these works commence on: -
Monday 23rd To Tuesday 24th September 2024. During these two days the lock will remain closed other than on free flow timings if free flow is achieved.
Monday 23rd HW- 0409 & 1620
Tuesday 24th HW- 0452 & 1709
After this period the intention will be to then open the lock back up to full capacity and run an on-demand service as we have done prior to these works. Mariners requiring more information should do so by contacting ONS on VHF CH68.

That's it.