Notices to Mariners, Week 13


Well-known member
5 Nov 2002
West Mersea
Visit site
Apologies for late posting; had some revenue earning work to finish urgently!

The Web Site is up to date now for weeks 11, 12 and 13.

There are no UKHO notes for this week for the monitored areas. There is only one thing to add to last week's post and that is the UKHO are issuing Edition 11 of their Thames Estuary, Ramsgate to Tower Bridge Leisure Charts SC5606 on 27th March. Make sure you buy the latest if you are in the market for this since it should include all the North Kent and Black Deep/Sea Reach changes.

Temporary Notices

1. Scaffolding removal at Coryton on the Thames
2. Removal of obstruction at Sea Reach No 1
3. Seasonal marks reinstatement at Harwich harbour etc
4. Routine dredging in Harwich harbour

Normal service should break out now - no travel plans for a couple of weeks - boat to paint. Had a visit to the sailmaker yesterday to see the progress on the new main. Great to be able to talk through the design and features of the sail and to see the care being taken. I think it is going to be quite different to the last mainsail. Work on the Genny starts shortly.