I read the artical about the "Green" Contessa 32 in November PBO. When they say green, it must be a very pale shade of green. Using hard wood from Africa not far east? don't use hardwood it at all. The engine a diesel electric, don't get me started on the non green batteries. Using a folding prop, You increase speed when using the wind, but loose power when using the engine?????
What would be a truly green boat? One of the many 100 year old wooden boats still on the go? A trailer sailor using no anti fouling? A steel boat, not plastic or wood? What about the yachts that do not have engines at all. What about the end of the boats life, sunk/plastic, burnt/wood, recycled/metal?
What would be a truly green boat? One of the many 100 year old wooden boats still on the go? A trailer sailor using no anti fouling? A steel boat, not plastic or wood? What about the yachts that do not have engines at all. What about the end of the boats life, sunk/plastic, burnt/wood, recycled/metal?
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