Tome you can't make a statement like that and not expect us ..........welll want to know all the details and why you are being defencive,
did you hit something, hole something, burn the fray Benito's pies, come on spill the beans so to speak.
There were a lot more boats around this weekend than I expected. We don't do Fray Bentos as we have our own chef John onboard who cooks nothing but fresh food (including fresh bread). There were several attempts to tempt him onto other boats, which I naturally resisted. It wasn't me who started it.
I've learned a novel way of running a team motivation week, and discovered that all 9 males who dined together in Cowes last night have something non-boaty in common. Amazing!
I want one - we had John on board and were spoiled rotten, certainly no FB, home made mushroom soup cooked in a force 6. Marvelous, Thanks Tom great weekend nd never got a chance to wear be slingbacks.