Not a typical day!


Well-known member
30 Nov 2002
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Got a call at 7pm from the sales manager could I come early in and help him deliver the brand new Windy Xanthos he had just sold, the owner a very rich norwegian guy was sitting on his 120 ft yacht ( just one of 5 boats he has!) in the harbour and the sales guy was not used to big boats and wanted me to drive the boat over to the new owner.
Well I went onboard and immediately noticed a strong smell of diesel, we opened the engine room hatch and saw that the port shaft was submerged in diesel, the port tank had leaked and emptied several hundred liters into the bilge and it had run forward under the mid cabins and galley.
We got a truck in to pump out the boat and the starboard tank too, and told the customer of the problem half expecting him to cancel his £1,000,000 boat.
Windy said they would send up some guys and remove both tanks and fit new and replace all the diesel contaminated items, and clean the boat.
Then the customer turned up just as we had all the floorboards up to pump out the various compartments, he's bound change his mind now we thought.
Guess what, he went through the boat and wrote up a snag list, then calmly announced his extensive options list for Xanthos number two! for which he wanted to place an order.
You just never know how people will respond.


New member
20 Jan 2006
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How right you were! However, a friend has a 34'Windy ' Grand Tornado which Windy replaced after 9 months and the new boat has had a few niggles all of which Windy have put right.
Their aftersales must be second to none! Maybe that's why the guy ordered another one? /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif


New member
20 Jan 2006
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The original developed some cracks around the stringers in the engine compartment, both engines were removed, and some serious strengthening undertaken. The model was new, and possibly hadn't had enough strength in that part of the hull?
Curiously an engine mount snapped in Corsica on its delivery trip, admittedly bad weather as it was early in the year and as some will know the med is not always nice !
That said, Windy and the dealer have been totally beyond reproach, they obviosly have a strong ethic towards total customer satisfaction and don't look to wriggle out of anything.
Very comendable and rare these days!