Nope, didn't work


New member
10 Sep 2004
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Re: Nope, didn\'t work

Once you have made your 80 x 80 pix gif, you should upload in the user options area, email / display preferences, near the bottom it has an upload aviator area.


New member
10 Sep 2004
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Re: Nope, didn\'t work

Click on user options top left of the forum page.

Scroll down and find the line that says
<font color="red"> Personal information, email, password, etc. </font>

Click EDIT (on the right)

Scroll down to the aviator section which has a few options to add aviators. The easiest method is to choose a stock item.

To upload your own aviator you will see the line

<font color="red"> Upload your avatar (80x80 max pixels, may be smaller) (.gif, .jpg, .png accepted) </font>

Click on browse which will allow you to search your hard disk to locate your aviator pic that you should have prepared earlier.


New member
10 Sep 2004
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Re: Nope, didn\'t work

have a look at my Photo Tutor the first part deals with resize and compression.

It should help you out.

Though, as you will probably have a non square photograph you would be best to make the long side 80 pixels and allow the resize to make the other side automatically (maintain aspect ratio). For a standard digi camera shot this would work out at 80 x 60 or indeed 60 x 80 depending on orientation.

If you would like some more help please feel free to PM me.