Well-known member
Nice RAC man\'s just disappeared!
Really miffed to learn this evening that 1700 jobs have gone skew-whiff because The RAC has been bought by Norwich Union. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Seems that NU will shed 900 jobs through "Administrative Efficiency" and 800 jobs by relocating "Customer Enquiry Calls" to a call centre in India.
Last year NU shed 1900 UK jobs within their own organisation by switching call centres to India.
Trouble is, that's 2700 UK people that aint paying no tax, that require help from other (already overburdened) UK taxpayers, and who will not be able to avail themselves of NU investment or insurance policies or RAC breakdown cover on cars that they can no longer afford.
I dont have any dealings with NU or RAC but if I did I would be considering some form of admin. efficiencies and outsourcing the business to other (more ethical) organisations!
Rant over.......oooooh that feels better!
Really miffed to learn this evening that 1700 jobs have gone skew-whiff because The RAC has been bought by Norwich Union. /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif
Seems that NU will shed 900 jobs through "Administrative Efficiency" and 800 jobs by relocating "Customer Enquiry Calls" to a call centre in India.
Last year NU shed 1900 UK jobs within their own organisation by switching call centres to India.
Trouble is, that's 2700 UK people that aint paying no tax, that require help from other (already overburdened) UK taxpayers, and who will not be able to avail themselves of NU investment or insurance policies or RAC breakdown cover on cars that they can no longer afford.
I dont have any dealings with NU or RAC but if I did I would be considering some form of admin. efficiencies and outsourcing the business to other (more ethical) organisations!
Rant over.......oooooh that feels better!