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6 Dec 2012
Gone cruising
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All I can tell you is that the RSS feed started working again (the only important part of a blog anyways, if you ask me), so your recent stories showed up in my feed reader all of a sudden. I enjoyed them. :encouragement:
15 Apr 2016
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Purely coincidentally, I checked your site yesterday and was delighted to find the revamp and some activity after what seemed like an eternity of nothing, was beginning to fear you'd ended the journey - very pleased to see that is not the case, partly from a selfish pov as I love your writing style.

As for the site, I find the general layout and look quite refreshingly elegant and streamlined.

Having had a thorough poke around I find the whole to be simple, effective and pleasing. All your links appear to work and have worthwhile content. My only question/potential problem area (and it's really minor) is for the blog layout.

So I click on blog and scroll down and see "Giving up the Sailing Life" I click this to view more, all good so far. On the resulting page there are back/forward arrows, again all simple and intuitive. What I'm unsure of, however, is that the forward arrow takes me to a newer page and blog entry. This contrasts with the operation of all the other 'overview' entries which I checked. If it isn't clear what I mean by this, starting at the point I clicked "Blog", if I choose "The 25 most expensive boats ever built" the forward arrow takes me to the next entry "Giving up the Sailing Life" which also had an overview entry. If I once again use the forward arrow I'm now on "A career in the Police" having started from "Blog" I might not know this entry existed as it did not have the overview tile. Assuming every blog entry is given its own quick entry in the initial overview, perhaps it's just a case of you not having entered the overview tile for this latest addition?

I did say it was a minor thing! Given how impressive the rest of it is, I felt this potential inconsistency was worth pointing out.

Enough rambling and poor explanations, I look forward to your future installments of the coming season and beyond.

Edit: I suppose if I bothered to use RSS as per the previous post it's a non issue, but I do not.
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New member
7 Mar 2011
Thank you all for some great feedback and somethings I need to work on.
There were no real posts over the last year as we needed a break from writing personal reasons although we did plenty of sailing around Turkey.
Hopefully now refreshed I can be like a good girlfriend and keep your interest up!
Once again thank you for taking the time to give me some feedback.