replacement of veneer is within most d-i-y- skills, and you should be able to get the veneer from most decent wood wholesalers. the addition of a compass rose raises the skill level enormously to include marquetry, and is beyond the scope of the majority of us wood butchers. I would love to learn how to do it!
You can get pre-cut marquetry veneer kits of compass rose designs. You'd still need to cut the main piece of veneer to drop the compass rose in, but that would be a (relatively) easy job.
Thanks all that is just what i am looking for . I would not like to try to produce a piece of marquetry from scratch due to limited skill and no experiance but buying it complete and grafting it into a bit of veneer i think is possible .I intended to use a school compass with a craft knife in it to cut the veneer for the inlay but now i have lots of idears from the websites.