I'd like to get some new socks that would be warm, smart and not too bulky. Ideally waterproof but not get too smelly. The perfect sock should also be able to multi task. What do you recommend?
My recommendation is that you do what I am trying to do and leave this country for a warmer climate where you don't need socks or hats or whatever item of clothing you'll ask advice about tomorrow.
Try santassecondsnorthpole.com I understand he has some very nice second hand ones for sale at this time of year. Nice hats and boots too. Suit you sir!
What an extraordinary website. They advertise 1,2,3,4 bar gold and silver epaulettes. Buy some and do your own customs checks. In fact get the hat and bag too and do away with all that boring security crap at airports. Dress smart and fool the Gendarmes Maritime. Pick up girls and make them think you're brainy. Look the part when you want to boss the crew about... you wear four bar, your wife three and the kiddiwinkies two. Or you could simply flash your disabled bus pass and inspect people's boats for radio licences. How much fun could you have for £12.99?
If you bought extremely small ones they could multitask as toe, ear, tongue, finger and nose warmers. If you bought an enormous one... well, a nod's as good as a wink.
I've got a complete sailing outfit from boots right through to hat for sale and all in your size. Highest quality bit of kit and at a very reasonable price. Interested????
Anyone remember the story 'The Kings New Clothes'? /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif