New main...DP Liteskin Crosscut or Contender CDX Pro Triradial?


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26 Jan 2003
North West
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Pondering a sportier main and have had what seems a reasonable quote on these two constructions.
Both around the 2.5k mark for 25m2, the CDX is a couple of hundred more expensive but that's not a factor.

Not heard much about either material, wondered if there were any views.


4 Aug 2020
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Liteskin isn't the sail material itself, it's an outer covering that DP glue on to the base material. It's a non woven taffeta equivalent, meant to be a bit lighter weight and with less water absorption, but also less durable. Have the sailmakers said what the exact material from DP is? They have them listed on the DP website.

CDX I think is a decent laminate and the taffeta means it will hold up well, though ultimately it's made from polyester so not that sophisticated, hence the prices. For comparison I recently got quotes of around £4500 for 33m2 tri-radial DP Aramid Sport sail.

Tri-radial will give you better shape and longer shape holding at the expense of cost through more panels to cut and more wastage. I think tri-radial isn't really that necessary unless racing and you need the last few % of performance as with modern laminates as these resist stretch much better than dacron anyway.


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16 Jul 2014
Chatham Maritime Marina
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An idea of the type of sailing you do and what type of boat would be helpful. There is no point in having a sportier mainsail if you only cruise and motor to windward. Knowing how to set a mainsail up so it is most efficient is the starting point for better performance, simple things like leech tell tails are so useful. My past experience with higher tech sails has them having a shorter lifespan than conventional materials. If you do not race but cruise extensively I would suggest looking at a Vektran sail cloth and full length battens. Talk to the sailmakers about what you need, they should be able to advise what you should buy.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2003
North West
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Coastal and offshore racing mostly, Limbo 9.9
Looking for best bang for buck really, don't mind spending a bit more than basic dacron but 3Di isn't happening.


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7 Jul 2015
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As you are racing personally I would spend a bit more and get a 3d molded string sail with Liteskin outer as without going to 3Di that would have the best longevity from a sail shape point of view, also should be slightly lighter and have better initial shape than a Crosscut / Tri raidal sail- all the different lofts have their own names for this, I tend to use Ullman and they call it Fibre Path.

Chiara’s slave

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14 Apr 2022
Western Solent
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As you are racing personally I would spend a bit more and get a 3d molded string sail with Liteskin outer as without going to 3Di that would have the best longevity from a sail shape point of view, also should be slightly lighter and have better initial shape than a Crosscut / Tri raidal sail- all the different lofts have their own names for this, I tend to use Ullman and they call it Fibre Path.
Another vote for Ullman. They made our job, and code 0, and will probably make us a new main one day soon ish. Rob in the Solent office is a nice chap, easy to discuss requirements with, and very thorough.