It was Christmas again today when my box with a Nasa Clipper wind meter arrived. It works perfectly, but the close-haul repeater which came with it behaved badly.
On startup, these instruments go into a self-test routine ( lights flashing, displays running) , but the repeater never exits the routine, and can only be used as next Christmas' decorations. Does anyone know a reset sequence ? With their depth meters, you have to press all buttons at once, if I remember well ,but that trick doesn't work on this beastie. Thanks in advance.
On startup, these instruments go into a self-test routine ( lights flashing, displays running) , but the repeater never exits the routine, and can only be used as next Christmas' decorations. Does anyone know a reset sequence ? With their depth meters, you have to press all buttons at once, if I remember well ,but that trick doesn't work on this beastie. Thanks in advance.