My MoBo thread - keeping engine warm in winter ...


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13 Sep 2008
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30 views and no-one saying what a daft idea ... or wow never thought of that !!

The rail is only 80W ... but being wide apart rails ... it seems to be dissipating heat well ... and at 80W - it could easily run of an inverter ... backed up by solar etc.
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10 Nov 2008
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With the boat up on dry land, with shore power, I use a 120w heating tube for the same purpose. It's fed through a thermostat socket. The socket is set to come on at 12°, but in reality, it's about 7 or 8°. We've had -12° without any problem. I'm sure your towel rail will do just as well.


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13 Jul 2002
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30 views and no-one say9ing what a daft idea ... or wow never thought of that !!

The rail is only 80W ... but being wide apart rails ... it seems to be dissipating heat well ... and at 80W - it could easily run of an inverter ... backed up by solar etc.
Its a good idea especially if you have one going spare otherwise there are small tubular heaters , with or without thermostat control, which are ideal.

But surely it would be better with the healing element at the bottom rather than the top?



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13 Sep 2008
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I've looked all over here and cannot find seller of the Greenhouse heaters ... only way is to order online and wait .... so the towel rail was the quickest best solution I could do quickly ... and its working better than I ever expected. I thought 80W would have difficulty ,... but its managing ...
As long as I can keep above +3C or so ... its good enough. The real test will come end of next week as temps are forecast to drop to the -10 mark ... by then I think the surrounding foam and structure of the engine bay will have formed a warmth to aid the heater .. bit like storage heater.

I agree that lower would be better ... but its a matter of my being able to contort myself .... I'm back in physio for my spine injury ... which is actually the real reason I need a heater rather than scrabble about under engine disconnecting water pipes to flush Anti-freeze.

The engine box has insulation all round once top cover is on ... the cockpit deck is a second plywood layer that goes over top of the engine box top ... with an air layer between. Bit like double glazing - more to help deaden engine sound, but helps this setup.

This morning ... 0C outside .... 10C in engine box. What I might do is open up again and place the temp sender low down .. I put on the air intake box - so later I would see it and not forget in rush to use boat !! I could hang it just over bilge ... then I have a good idea of lower area temp. Obviously as heat rises ... but I'm relying on the box being near closed and convection to occur ...
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6 Jun 2001
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Temporary stopgap while I recover - keeping engine warm

Bathroom Towel warmer ....

Outside is now 1C ... engine bay is 10C .... View attachment 186358
Yes, good use of a heater you already had but I echo what VicS said: the heating element should be at the bottom. My heated towel rail at home has the element at the bottom, is liquid filled but with an air pocket to allow for expansion. Maybe yours is similar. If so, not a good idea for the heating element to be in that air pocket reducing the conduction of heat to the liquid and maybe shortening the element life due to local overheating.


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20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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Temporary stopgap while I recover - keeping engine warm

Bathroom Towel warmer ....

Outside is now 1C ... engine bay is 10C .... View attachment 186358
Its a good idea, don't feel ignored.

Its for a niche market. Heated towel rails are not particularly expensive so you really don't need one surplus to requirements. Its the absence of the need to heat the engine that's the problem. Our engines, in common with others, do need anti-freeze - but that's because it has anti-corrosion benefits

'We' have the opposite problem. New cars, or some of them come with all sorts of bells and whistles - as standard. But do we, in Australia, really need a heated steering wheel and seat. Lots of Australians have never seen snow (and others have never seen the sea) Do we need lane control....?

In Sydney, on the coast - we don't see frost, the Tasman Sea does not drop below, about, 16 degrees C.

So.... I sadly am not going to be appreciative of a device to heat the engine. :(

Now develop me a better anchor and a lighter rode and you will get my attention. :)

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Well-known member
13 Sep 2008
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I'm really pleased ... I do not expect it to cope with the -20 ... -30 we get at times in winter ... but at least it gives me a chance to sort myself out to then do the Anti-freeze flush.

I will be ordering Greenhouse Tube heaters .... have another use for them as well as try to get them in same engine bay but low down ... I need to have warmth under my Laser machine as the Laser is water cooled.

My 38ft'r has radiators along the main saloon bunks and I don't want to remove the woodwork - it would then look shoddy ..


But I thought maybe to put Greenhouse tubes in behind the wood facings because most time will be shore power when stopped ... and for those times at anchor - inverter backed up charged by engine / solar ...

Bodach na mara

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21 Aug 2002
Western Scotland
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Great idea. I use tubular heaters myself because I had some but I appreciate that where you are they may not be available. I have only used the during one winter, driven through a power block fitted with a thermostat in the circuit. Despite the stat being set at the lowest setting the bill from the marina in the spring for electricity was eye watering.

Despite what people have said, the position is fine. The heater mounted on one side will set up a convection current and distribute the heat round the compartment.


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28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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Best wishes Nigel for getting through the ice age and best wishes with your back physiotherapy. Good practical idea for coping with very low temperatures. Like Neeves this is all a very strange world to me so always interested in your stories and pictures. ol'will


Well-known member
13 Sep 2008
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Best wishes Nigel for getting through the ice age and best wishes with your back physiotherapy. Good practical idea for coping with very low temperatures. Like Neeves this is all a very strange world to me so always interested in your stories and pictures. ol'will

Cheers Will ...

I have to admit - I'm one of those who walks around shops and literally re-purposing what I see on shelves ... Wife thinks I'm daft !

Fav's are the DIY shops with camping sections ... and not forgetting the bicycle .. pet sections.

Need a signal light that's weatherproof to clip onto lifejacket ? Clip on LED Dog light ... for walking the dog at night. Loads of gear that we can use ...


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13 Sep 2008
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I think there are many ways to do it ... as I said before - one guy suggested Electric blanket as used in your bed ...

I thought about the warm propagation mats and pet mats ... but I think they are too low a power ...

Bodach na mara

Well-known member
21 Aug 2002
Western Scotland
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I have been tempted by solar powered silicone heating pads. : silicone heating mat

Attach closely with a couple of decent panels, say 800W total, to the base of the engine and a thermal blanket over the top ?

Should keep the donkey above freezing overnight.
Too much power. Would cost a fortune to run. Look at what Refueller's 80 Watts is achieving.