Lord High Commander of Upper Broughton and Gunthor
So, when buying a boat you have the SA/D ration, and the AVS, etc, to determine the boats suitability for use,,,
But I think that the manufacturers are missing something.
We, (That is SWMBO and Dog) have just returned from 17 days on board our 31', and sitting in the pub we both came to the conclusion that this was the Maximum Time On Board for two people on this lenght of boat...
So shouldnt their be a formula to determine how long a person, or couple , or family, can spend on a particular boat before Cabin Fever/ Insanity sets in?
Could this be a combo of Waterline lenght, displacment, berths, beam, etc/ number of people on board.
Ie; 31'x10' / 2 =15.5 days?
Should their be regional variations. (Ie their is a mulitplier for use in the med/ uk?)
Comments and suggestions please.
But I think that the manufacturers are missing something.
We, (That is SWMBO and Dog) have just returned from 17 days on board our 31', and sitting in the pub we both came to the conclusion that this was the Maximum Time On Board for two people on this lenght of boat...
So shouldnt their be a formula to determine how long a person, or couple , or family, can spend on a particular boat before Cabin Fever/ Insanity sets in?
Could this be a combo of Waterline lenght, displacment, berths, beam, etc/ number of people on board.
Ie; 31'x10' / 2 =15.5 days?
Should their be regional variations. (Ie their is a mulitplier for use in the med/ uk?)
Comments and suggestions please.