New member
About this time last year, I had some very good advice when my Thorneycroft T90 decided to increase revs without warning and eventually became almost uncontrollable. As a result, I had the Fuel Distribution Pump and injectors reconditioned by Lucas CAV. I have had, until last week, a troublefree season with an engine that has behaved perfectly. The problem has now come back. The symptoms are a sudden increase in revs - usually returning to normal within about 10 - 15 seconds. A couple of times the revs have not reduced, leading to a tickover of 1200 rpm plus rather tahn the normal 500 - 600 rpm. I topped up the tank with 25 galls of fuel before this happened. Could this have had any efffect? Can it be fuel related rather than something to do with the governor or FDP? Any help or advice would be very welcome!