Active member
I received a message oan ma answerphone suggesting a berth's available oan ain auld tub aboot tae venture oot orra fleetwood. Ah thocht the auld goat's got a nerve as nowhere in this wee message wus menshun orra ony new fashilities oan ra auld tub. Wus there any air-con? No. Did ah hae ma ain private berth, nae haeing tae share a cabin wi' Muzzy or hissel? No. Wus hot watter available from onythin' ither than an auld ascot heater? No. Did ra bunks hae sprung mattresses? No. Are exotic cocktails served at 6pm? No.
Jings, the cheek of it ...
Harummph ..
Oh, by the way, ah wus listening to twa ships talking tae each ither. Yin was aff tae Liverpool and wus extolling the virtues of that fine city tae the ither who wus aff tae Finland. Onyways, ah butted in tae their conversation and invited the entire crew tae ra Fleetwood YC bar fer free drinks if thon menshunned yer name. Hae thon got there yet?
Jings, the cheek of it ...
Harummph ..
Oh, by the way, ah wus listening to twa ships talking tae each ither. Yin was aff tae Liverpool and wus extolling the virtues of that fine city tae the ither who wus aff tae Finland. Onyways, ah butted in tae their conversation and invited the entire crew tae ra Fleetwood YC bar fer free drinks if thon menshunned yer name. Hae thon got there yet?