Mooring woes may be boat dream in Tatters

D and G

Active member
9 Aug 2009
West Wales - Boat- princess 25 called Jardice Deux
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It's not looking good on the new to us boat purchase, as she is on the East Coast thought would put her on the Thames,emailed around 10 mooring places not one reply, tried West Wales long waiting lists at Milford and Neyland and Rudders Boat Yard, dry stack Mrs is not keen on the price, looked at a swing mooring but with needing new knees think the tender to boat transfer would not be pretty, last chance is South Wales so emailed the usual places, if nothing looks like owning the boat will be a no go sadly.😔


Well-known member
24 Jun 2002
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E-mails are not a good way to get a response in the leisure marine world in my experience. Get on the phone and speak with people or, even better, get in the road and go and make friends and see what you can find. The personal approach can make a difference - emails are easily ignored or overlooked.

D and G

Active member
9 Aug 2009
West Wales - Boat- princess 25 called Jardice Deux
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E-mails are not a good way to get a response in the leisure marine world in my experience. Get on the phone and speak with people or, even better, get in the road and go and make friends and see what you can find. The personal approach can make a difference - emails are easily ignored or overlooked.
Yes good idea I do use email a lot lol, fingers crossed we can find a suitable mooring


Well-known member
6 Nov 2001
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Get onto the Thames forum.
Posters there know all the nooks and crannies available, especially to moor smallish boat.
MDL and the other popular corporate marinas are not the only places to keep a boat on the Thames.

Get some suggestions and spend a day out in your ideal location a face to face inquiry can sometimes be the solution.
Same down here on the Medway.
Three major marinas, but a myriad of small clubs and boat yards located literally just round the corner from all of them, all of them considerably cheaper but not the facilities.
The big boys might not be responding via the internet, most of the small yards probably have no idea what an email is.
Not a disimilar situation in the "Med"
Friend nearly gave up trying to find a sensibly priced mooring in Majorca via telephone and interweb, was advised to get off his bottom and fly down and get to know the folks in the local Capitainerie .....took persistance but he did get his berth.
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Well-known member
6 Sep 2016
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Go to a broker....tell him/her that you want a boat and a mooring...make it their problem

D and G

Active member
9 Aug 2009
West Wales - Boat- princess 25 called Jardice Deux
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Get onto the Thames forum.
Posters there know all the nooks and crannies available, especially to moor smallish boat.
MDL and the other popular corporate marinas are not the only places to keep a boat on the Thames.

Get some suggestions and spend a day out in your ideal location a face to face inquiry can sometimes be the solution.
Same down here on the Medway.
Three major marinas, but a myriad of small clubs and boat yards located literally just round the corner from all of them, all of them considerably cheaper but not the facilities.
The big boys might not be responding via the internet, most of the small yards probably have no idea what an email is.
Not a disimilar situation in the "Med"
Friend nearly gave up trying to find a sensibly priced mooring in Majorca via telephone and interweb, was advised to get off his bottom and fly down and get to know the folks in the local Capitainerie .....took persistance but he did get his berth.
Some good pointers there so thanks for that, we hired a boat on the Thames got to enjoy 3 days cruising the Thames just holiday cut short after the boat broke down, typical our luck but really enjoyed it and want more, did see a few smaller boatyards on our travels so will start manning the phones as first option. The boat currently is on the Medway looks a nice river but all a trek from over here in West Wales, but sure the journey would fly by with the thoughts of some boat time, thanks again for your post it has given me the kick up the backside and will try harder to get our dream.

D and G

Active member
9 Aug 2009
West Wales - Boat- princess 25 called Jardice Deux
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There’s this one, and the Thames Forum one.
Yes you are not going mad lol, thought I would post on the Thames Specific one as well to try catch some more suggestions, better get on the phone quick and call a few places as the Mrs has started looking at caravans with a certain look in her eye that has me worried 😟


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27 May 2016
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If you are looking at the Thames then why not consider some of the marinas further round on the east coast itself. Some great marinas, anchorages and boating. Try the like of Ipswich Haven or Titmarsh. They have plenty of berths available.


Well-known member
10 Jul 2003
River Hamble
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If you are looking at the Thames then why not consider some of the marinas further round on the east coast itself. Some great marinas, anchorages and boating. Try the like of Ipswich Haven or Titmarsh. They have plenty of berths available.
to drive from west wales? Scotland may be quicker.


Active member
21 Sep 2004
South West Wales
Sorry to hear of the problems. As Tico says, Dry Stack is about the same cost as marina but your boat will require less maintenance as it won't suffer the wear and tear of being in the water.

Also you are approaching the time when berths will be free for the winter. Ours, for example, in Neyland will be vacant at the start of October for several months as I have decided to be ashore for a change over the winter. Our neighbour spent many weeks in Scotland this summer so hot berthing might be possible if you get chatting to the marina staff.

Good luck.