Its an old boat so it depends on how good an example you get and how good you are at boat maintenance. It can easily be cheap to buy and expensive to get up to scratch and to maintain.
No good asking owners - they are usually in love with the boat until they fall out or love and try to sell (to you?). So you dont ever get an unbiased view.
try the PBO boat tests archive. If available, they are a good guide.
Have sailed on a MK1 33S (aft cockpit but same hull) quite a lot, including S. Coast to Tenerife. Immensely strong, sensible if quirky interior layout, not a racer but reasonably fast in a bit of a blow, loads of space.
Skeg is supposed to be suspect and shallow bilges. Other than that a very capable little boat. Ex. Son-in Law had a later walk-through version for 3 years and could outsail my 40 footer in anything less than 10knts. However, my boat copes well with 50knts and 15ft seas. Horses for courses?
Pretty substantial for a 33 footer I would say, heavy lay-up compared to newer AWBs.
My friend ripped the p-bracket partly out of the hull when a heavy duty pot rope got caught round the prop, which resulted in a rapid ingress of water and an expensive repair - this may be a weak point, can't comment on the skeg except to say at least it's got one . . .