Yeah, a boaty post!
I am tranna forcast for a 1-week trundle, bout via gib from so'ton to Nice and wd welcome advice. I obviously want flat sea as far as poss. day by day we are targeting soton-brest-la coruna (top left hand corner of spain) -lisbon - gibraltar - almeria - barcelona - Nice (actually antibes next door)
I wd welcome your 2p-worth in choosing the rigtht time to leave southampton, altho of course it wd be useful to know your info source whether hunch, seaweed-gazing, amateur or pro forecaster, or perhaps you met God in the pub, whatever.
resource-wise i use/have used for 9-day GFS or GEM models
Spain - er can't remeber who i used last time, possibly rang up the fuel dock but then i just knew it was okish in biscay.
I am also using simonkeeling of which er is £1.50-per-minute's-worth, and his advice is that the weather is fab 1 week before i plan to leave when even with pleading i can't speedem up. So target departure date is 10th april or later, perhaps a week or several weeks later. But gotta leave by say 10th May, really.
I can take sub-20knots on the nose and make progress, but of course sea state is key so wd prefer the wind behind us, or non-existent. Don't care about viz or rain - we go through the night, offshore.
I am tranna forcast for a 1-week trundle, bout via gib from so'ton to Nice and wd welcome advice. I obviously want flat sea as far as poss. day by day we are targeting soton-brest-la coruna (top left hand corner of spain) -lisbon - gibraltar - almeria - barcelona - Nice (actually antibes next door)
I wd welcome your 2p-worth in choosing the rigtht time to leave southampton, altho of course it wd be useful to know your info source whether hunch, seaweed-gazing, amateur or pro forecaster, or perhaps you met God in the pub, whatever.
resource-wise i use/have used for 9-day GFS or GEM models
Spain - er can't remeber who i used last time, possibly rang up the fuel dock but then i just knew it was okish in biscay.
I am also using simonkeeling of which er is £1.50-per-minute's-worth, and his advice is that the weather is fab 1 week before i plan to leave when even with pleading i can't speedem up. So target departure date is 10th april or later, perhaps a week or several weeks later. But gotta leave by say 10th May, really.
I can take sub-20knots on the nose and make progress, but of course sea state is key so wd prefer the wind behind us, or non-existent. Don't care about viz or rain - we go through the night, offshore.