This is a topic which has cropped up several times. I cannot remember a real solution being suggested. Try a search, going back for quite a while as I may have forgotten something.
Have you tried soaking in an oxygen bleach, such as Vanish (for coloureds)
Napisan works superbly. However, I found that with our curtains, they needed to be left soaking for a full two days in order to totally remove any sign of the mildew spots.
The curtains were completely unharmed and looked like new. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
was also going to suggest H202 aka hydrogen peroxide as opposed to chlorine bleach - not tried it but my contact in America swears by it. May obviously cause colour loss
was also going to suggest H202 aka hydrogen peroxide
[/ QUOTE ] Yes. Oygen bleaches commonly contain sodium peroxycarbonate which is virtually washing soda with hydrogen peroxide instead of water combined in the crystals.
If you get "100vol" hydrogen peroxide keep it off your skin and dilute it for use.