Hi Terry,
Am pretty sure we met at Torquay last year, we had just returned from Alderney (the flatest channel crossing we had ever had)
Am not on the MBM Cruise (I think it is full) but hope to be in the CI's in June so will keep an eye open for you. Will talk closer to the time and look forward to having a beer (or 2)
Give us a shout when you get to Guernsey my new office is 2 mins walk from where they moor the MBM cruise boats.
from wot i have heard of previous years you will HEAR THEM, WITH-OUT FAIL /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif /forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif /forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif
I do remember, and already know you well enough to agree with Pauline. Lets say if we meet we will share MANY beers, or whatever else is to hand.
Think you will find that the totally eroneous stories that abound were about one boat on an RYA Cruise last year in Cherbourg, not MBM at all. Never let the facts spoil a good story so it then got extended to every port we visited, funnily enough only by Sailors with an Agenda possibly??
The boat in question also got told by everyone else on that cruise, including me about the one incident. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing, save to say I've booked on the same RYA Cruise this year and I detest noise pollution and inconsiderate behaviour. Paul
Im with you on noise & Antisocial behaviour.
admit i got it wrong about which Cruise .
have a great time, we plan to Cruise Normandy late June/ July,its bound to be windy,