MBM Articles.


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1 May 2005
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Potentially quite a good idea of MBM's to get readers to describe their boat purchase and learning experiences. I do though consider they ought to try and tidy up the editorial to a better standard than that in the latest issue. Is it not part of the job of an editor to ensure that copy is laid out in a clear and readable manner?

In the preamble to the story in the August issue is this: "Alice B was bought *as* new in November 2005". But later the article states "Alice B was built in Sweden and delivered some months later to the UK" So, why the "as"?

Likewise this: "Chris Harridge .......was *pleased* to sell us a new Nimbus 320" I very much doubt he would in any way be displeased!

The couple were perhaps to blame for this: "The basic package included few features". I feel this to be pretty unfair to these dealers. They do issue a price list which clearly states what is included as standard on the boat, and to be honest I reckon it does include all that is needed for a perfectly acceptable standard of boating. Certainly it includes a chart-plotter, also a bow-thruster. These items are part of the package price which is published in the MBM Buyers Guide.

A reason why I consider this to be specially unfair, is that when our boat was purchased from the same dealer some months later, I was impressed at just how many items were included. Adequate set of mooring lines for example. No less than eight fenders - I've never used any more than five at a time! Not a thing did we need to add in fact. I do agree that it is always best that the stated price is in fact the final price. Essential add-ons are never nice.

Hand-overs are of course very important. Specially so when one is taking over such a pricey item as a boat. Surely the best place to do this is at the dealers yard? Not easy to 'take it all in in' one session. Do it there, and they can repeat any items the customer is unclear on.

One important point not included in the article was the performance of the boat - did it live up to the buyers expectations, and/or the stated figures? Not so important, though to me it would be, is the name to be given to a new boat. I do get the impression the name a boat is given does not exercise the minds of some owners. They should pay more attention to it. Likewise, to the fonts used to display that name on the boat. I'm not a fan of fancy fonts on a boat!


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13 Mar 2002
ked into poverty by children
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I just wish MBM and YBW would get journos who understand spelling and grammar, rather than rely on MS Word (or whatever). One of my favourites was a review that noted that the bows of the boat had a lot of flair...

[/ QUOTE ]

Obviously a comment on the stylish design which you (and I) the hapless reader, obviously could not appreciate:)


New member
23 Feb 2005
Citta del Vaticano
I'm afraid that things like accuracy (and good spelling) aren't that high on a journalist's list of priorities. Things like deadlines, word count and sensationalism are much more important.

When I used to 'work' for a living we had regular contact with journalists and what they got up to was a real eye-opener.


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14 Mar 2002
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depends what the aim of the article is. I m not interested in what the dealer handover was like, to be honest.
One weakness I think in the reports to date is that owners arent overly critical, or maybe they just luuuurve the boat.
When MBM and MBY are on form, I think they make good observations about cleat being too small, mobility on deck is good/crap, visibility is... etc.
Hopefully most owners are indeed delighted with their boat, but if the articles are just going to say here are two people who bought a boat and like it.. well, we arent learning much.
I m not sure why they just do new boats..
Of course its all rather personal.. what may irritate one person about the cockpit,for example, might delight another...but if value is to be added, I think a bit more nitty gritty is needed. You cant expect the owners to be journos.. the magazine staff should be drawing the experiences out of them.