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I know there is relatively limited interest in yacht racing in general and Maximus in particular on this forum - but for those who are intested, here's an update.
There's been a lot of negative and innaccurate media coverage recently about Maximus and her preparation for the imminent Rolex Trans Atlantic Challenge (departs in 2 days). She missed Antigua week due the cargo ship breaking down mid-Pacific which delayed her arrival, which was obviously a big disappointment.
But she's now up in New York ready for the Trans At and to counter the media myths, below is an account from a friend who is one of the senior crew members. It doesn't get more up-to-date and factual than this:
Just thought I would fill everyone in on progress so far and stop any nasty rumors that seem to be circulating worldwide. As you all probably know the boat didn't make it to Antigua for the regatta as the ship broke down..... But we didn't go away empty handed, on the first night we won the rum beach party tug of war!!(no prizes for guessing I was the anchor man!!). Most of us ended up sailing a next 57 'genisess'(built in nz) and ended up winning our division! Maximus arived the day after the regatta finished and we got straight into putting it back together, sailing the next day and doing some last minute jobs before the 1800nm delivery trip to Newport. Ended up waiting 2 days for a weather system to go thru and then set off. Had no damn wind for 6 days and then 25 kts on the beam thru the Gulf Stream (quite lumpy). Had our share of dramas but nothing that we couldnt sort out at sea, you could call it a fairly steep learing curve about the boat....had not much diesel left so the last 2 days was very slow sailing.... Made it to Newport 5 days ago, and hauled the boat out to fair the lower fin (hadn't found a travel lift big enough to lower the keel all the way down to the full 6m) and do some work on the rudder bearings. Got a lot of work done there and came out of the whole trip so far feeling confident about the boat. Delivered the boat down to New York yesterday and now have the full race crew of 22 on board. Went out today for a sail in full race trim, cruising passed the Statue of L:iberty at 17kts with all the press boats following was a thing to remember! Anyway the race starts in 2 days and the forecast is looking like plenty of breeze and some fast sailing for the first few days so just maybe those big day's runs could be in store...yeahaa. It certainly hasn't been an easy few weeks but we almost there and really looking foward to the race.
The Rolex Transatlantic Challenge 2005 is for monohull sailboats 70 feet Length on Deck and longer. There is no max size. The world‘ s oldest ocean-racing record is up for grabs, previously set 100 years ago by the three-masted schooner Atlantic. The 3,000-mile race starts in New York on May 21, 2005, and finishes off the Lizard in England. The race is registered with the World sailing speed record council in case Atlantic’s record is broken. Team EBS (Maximus) are confident they will break the record of 13 days 10 hours 15 mins.