Mastheaded by Scuttlebutt crew


Well-known member
29 Oct 2001
Cambridge UK
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Thanks to Pragmatist & Pessimist (Colin & Penny) who kindly winched me up the mast on Sunday evening to attend to a few things.

Thanks also to Joe_Cole who had sailed down to Dartmouth from the Exe to help.
We understand that he sailed most of the way sidewards as he couldn't get the centerplate down.
He got to us just as we where finishing as he was at anchor in the Dart and had to wait on board for the tide to turn.

We had an informal Scuttlebutt meet in the cockpit of Jo Jo after

Colin & Penny, Did you get the job sorted for Darthaven?

Joe did that mo-boat get away without lifting your anchor?
And did you sail side ways back to the Exe?

Thanks again to you all.
Hope to see you for the Dartmouth regatta.


Well-known member
7 May 2003
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Hi Clive

Thoroughly enjoyed the chat & beer - bet you won't be using our bosun's chair again (ooch ! Colin sez its the ladies model but I found it very painful myself).

Yup - survey of Darthaven & surrounds all went smoothly so wi-fi broadband will be available shortly. So anyone in the marina or nearby (DHNA pontoons/moorings) interested please do let us know.

Hope you got back safely Joe - lovely breeze & sunshine if a little brisk at times !


Well-known member
29 Oct 2001
Cambridge UK
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Hi Penny.

Yes one is still a little sore in that region.

Any indication from Darthaven on cost on the Wi-Fi.
I would only want it on the odd week I am down.


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14 Feb 2002
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Superb timing by me wasn't it? Arriving just when the hard work was finished and the beer was coming out /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif

Mr Mobo got away all right, but it wasn't the best of parking was it? When we swung on the tide I was getting ready to get my fenders out. I don't know why he didn't lift his hook and move a short distance away, but no harm done so what the heck!

Yes, it was sideways all the way back to the Exe! I've just been down in my tool shed making a Mark 1 Keel Bashing Bar. Together with some brute force and ignorance I hope to free it next time I'm down.

Nice to meet up. See you soon.