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I want to increase the strength of the main bulkhead below the mast, as presently is 12mm ply which I feel is inadequate, and I've just removed a laminated teak 4" x 2" beam which supposedly was supporting the mast and ran across the bulkhead against the coachroof. This beam was held on with 4 brass screws which sheared when I turned them, and by some grp mish-mash and resin which I think was gluing the beam to the bulkhead - could just about hold the weight of the beam. The beam itself seems a sturdy affair and I will retain this (there are 2, fwd and aft of the bulkhead) I plan to epoxy them back on and fix them with 4 12mm stainless rod through the 2 beams and bulkhead. I'd also like to add two support pillars either side of the doorway, but am not sure how to spread the load at the foot of these posts. Another two beams across the bottom resting on the keel, perhaps? Can anyone advise, please? Thanks