we are going into the french canals via calais, where is the best and cheapest place to have mast removed, for travelling thro canal system; we will be taking mast with us. /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
There is a small fixed crane in Calais marina that can be used for dismounting masts. This is really low-cost but there may be a size limitation. Also I believe there may be a facility in the Bassin Carnot for yachts entering the canal system. Call the Marina office on (+33) 03 21 34 55 23 - English is spoken.
You could have it done in Dover and motor across, but it would be a LOT more expensive.
You could have a look at Bambola's site. He has a lot of info on the canals. Can't remember his web address but a search on here will bring it up for sure.
Erm.... whilst writing, can I ask something? I'm wanting to do the same thing..not this year. But to do it one needs a CEVNI, and I have no idea how to get one. How did you get yours? Bearing in mind that I live in the middle of nowhere.... is there a postal / online way of getting it?
Much obliged if you can throw any light on it.
We entered the system at Calais and lowered our mast there. Cost was equivalent to about £7.00 but you have to do most of work yourself. The only assistance is from the crane operator who lowers a hook to you, and you do the rest. I seem to remember the max weight possible was 300 kg. Our heavy 11m mast was no problem.
My wife and I did struggle a bit positioning it on the supports I had built along the deck, so it's worth making sure you have helping hands for this bit. The other thing to bear in mind is that the crane is positioned in a pretty tight spot. We managed to warp our long keeler stern first into vacant berth to turn her after lowering. If your boat, unlike mine, reverses predictably you won't have a problem.