MARS Database Information

The issue recently surfaced of details appearing on MARS as "Owner Details" that should be hidden within the "Emergency Contact details". Les Mountford and myself have today been in contact with the ITU to find out what has gone wrong. I am happy to report that the problem has been identified and the UK will be uploading to the ITU tomorrow for the ITU to replace the existing information.

The problem was caused due to a problem with field 20 on the data up-load and how it went over to MARS, here is the text of Les's note to me:

" The problem has occurred due to a mis-interpretation as to which fields are used
for which purpose. We had not populated field 20 (Owner name) because it comes in the same grouping as ex-ship name and ex-ship callsign. The ITU had taken the
information we supplied in field 26 ( Emergency CONTACT name) and placed it in
field 20 to populate that field. I have now spoken to the ITU and we will send a
brand new download of the complete database with field 20 populated by us with the correct info. All ships will then be as new on the ITU database. The info in field 26 will not be affected but the ITU will only use it for that purpose. The MARS database is only used should vessels sail into international waters and does
not affect the vast majority of pleasure craft owners."

Just to clarify one point that someone was worried about, the information did still appear in the "Emergancy Contact Details" as well, it was a duplication of data.


<hr width=100% size=1>Manager,
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Thanks Mike
I find it extraordinary that this wasn't tested by the IT people I wonder how long it would have gone on if Happy1 hadn't informed people like me of the site and for me to have experienced the problem.
I look forward to correct information tomorrow.

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Well-known member
16 May 2001
Cotswolds / Altea
Interfaces to external systems are alwas problematic. That's why most companies are moving away from columnar or comma delimited (as in this case) files to XML where there is a tag that describes the contents of each field.

Still, a bit sloppy IMHO and should have been spotted earlier.

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18 Feb 2003
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Again, thanks. I think it was more the fact that the wrong owner was shown that concerned some people. Thanks however for being so quick in finding the problem and a solution to put it right, that certainly was very speedy.

Well done, and thanks for the honesty too,

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