Marine VHF DSC


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10 Feb 2005
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Can anyone put my mind at rest re purchasing a new VHF with DSC. Is it still possible to use the radio in non-DSC mode e.g. to call up friends with older sets, contact the local lock etc?
I have read various books etc but they do not make this clear.


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23 Jul 2003
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just upgraded last season myself. ive got a simrad and it functions as a basic vhf radio as standard and the dsc is a ++++ when activated.




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10 Sep 2004
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Re: Simplified

Vhf/DSC Units are a standard VHF but with a chip/unit that will send a digital message on channel 70 to another DSC set/receiver

[/ QUOTE ]

Just in case what Julie has said confuses anyone new to this system, it is not a message like a telephone text message. Basically each DSC radio has it's own unique MMSI number. If I know your number I can input it to my radio and call you, you and only you will receive a call, like me telephoning you.

If you accept my call, then your radio will automatically change channel to one which I have chosen. At this point we start communicating in the normal manner.


I select ch 73 on my radio
I call you up by inputting your MMSI number
your set rings
you accept call
your set changes to ch 73
we talk.

Easy peazy.

You do need to obtain a GMDSS short range licence though in order to legally use the DSC functions of your new set. Worth doing, half a day playing with simulators, the whole system very quickly makes sense.

Good Luck.


New member
5 Sep 2003
Re: Simplified

I would suggest a VHF/SRC course is needed.
It will teach you about DSC, How it works, How it works With your VHF.
Oh and one small point you have to do it!

Whilst you can do an upgrade course I would suggest doing the full day as it is a great way to refresh your VHF knowledge and skills.

No DCS functions on any ones radio's will or should work with out a MMSI number.

All the standard VHF functions will work.



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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re: Simplified

er possibly except volume (on alerts) and the external override on the channel select switch that doesn't exist on a standard VHF.........all in the best possible taste! /forums/images/graemlins/crazy.gif


Well-known member
30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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Re: Simplified


No DCS functions on any ones radio's will or should work with out a MMSI number.

All the standard VHF functions will work.

[/ QUOTE ]

Does that mean if you don't enter an MMSI number from scratch then it will not even receive the DSC 'Alerts' that are plaguing us? Or does it just mean you still get the noise but cannot send OUT a DSC call, including a Mayday?

I'm thinking along the lines of a) having the MMSI number taken off or b) Simply buying a new set and not entering the MMSI, if that will stop the noise.

I was in a chandlers yesterday and some local fisherman were talking about it (the noise), it seems they too turn their sets off a lot these days.



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10 Nov 2002
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Seems a pretty ridiculous state of affairs this whole DSC fiasco. I'm not upgrading as it seems to be a royal pain in the arse, and it seems many others think the same way.

Any plans to revisit the DSC standard and alter the requirement for the fixed volume alarm? Maybe Nanny didn't know best in this case....



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2 May 2003
West Midlands
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Re: Simplified

Interesting that, we have had a Raymarine DSC VHF since we bought boat Feb 2003,but didn't enter MMSI, when I eventually input it August last year can't recall getting many, (if any) Alerts?? Didn't try ringing another MMSI so really don't know if it ever worked really.

However the repeater unit on the Flybridge failed within about 5 weeks (Sept 04) so the whole lot had to be broken down and replaced and have to admit not checking whether MMSI is still there?? What sort of "noise" are you getting due to DSC Alerts? Paul


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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Re: Simplified

almost philospohical even..... /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

I also apologise for the earlyier intervention (to all on this thread). I think DSC is an excellent step forwards for what should be the primary function of the VHF. The price of units has removed the entry/switch barrier as well. However the inherent usability of VHF by small craft, important I believe to the ongoing maintenance and proper use of equipement by small boat users, is unfortunately compromised. Non dsc vhf + epirb seems to be a better solution for many.
(And yes I will use the formal reporting suggestion through 2005 as and when I experience issues!)


Well-known member
30 May 2001
high and dry on north island
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You will know it when you hear it!


Imagine the kind of air raid siren you might get that gives you the 4 minute warning of Saddams incoming WMD, double it and it will make a DSC 'Alert'! You would know for sure if you had heard one so either you haven't had the set switched on when in range of one by chance or as you say your MMSI may not be programmed in. The prime perpetrators in Central Channel are Joburg Traffic Control on Cap De La Hague (Cherboutg), the Navy and HMCG. Joburg seem to think that almost every message they put out to ships transitting their area (from Casquets TSS) merits the full 'ALERT' even when they then repeat it every 20 minutes I say even when they repeat it every 20 minutes I say even....

When your set receives the 'Alert' it can only be silenced by you acknowledging it by pressing 'End' or 'Ent' on the keyboard, then it hijacks your set and switches it to the channel the alert message will be transmitted on (CH80 for Joburg). The Alert signal is the same for a Mayday or similar call, though the working channel then would normally be CH16. So there you are listening to a weather bulletin from a coast station, off goes the alarm and you must drop everything (probably overboard) and rush below to silence it, then instead of the forecast you get to hear Joburg again telling you about a deep draught vessel 65 miles away, then 20 minutes later then 20 minutes later.... You cannot turn the volume down for the alert, it is fixed by nanny, you and I are considered too stupid to be trusted to do that. Personally I am so stupid I switch the set off, even if I bother switching it on anymore!

You may be lucky with a mobo and a lower aerial height be out of range, our mast is 50ft above deck so the aerial is probably over 55ft up and we receive Joburg routinely in Poole even on our berth.


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