Marine Infant Protection


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3 Apr 2002
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I posted this on the scuttlebutt forum and got some very interesting replies. What are the thoughts from the motor boat fraternity.......

Does anyone know of any products that are available to protect a young baby on a boat. I refer really to a yacht abandoment situation. What does one do in such a situation with a very young child (<2 Years old).

Many Thanks



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9 Sep 2002
Norfolk, UK
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Don't know about very small chldren - my boy has just turned two and has been in a lifejacket since he was 11 months - didn't like it much at first but is quite happy with it now. It also serves as useful body armour when he takes a tumble.

Interesting point from scuttlebutt re head protection, I've lost count of the number of times the boy cracked his head when first learning to walk, both onboard and at home. We're only inland cruising at the moment - I imagine the scope for head injury is much greater at sea. The scrum cap idea sounds like a good one, if you can find one to fit.

I'm surprised protective headgear specifically for toddlers isn't more readily available.


20 Jul 2001
Southampton, UK
Hi Tim

Good question - and one I'm researching for MBM. The answer seems to be something called a 'life-cot' which, as the name implies, is a floating cot designed to be carried, and keep baby afloat should the worse happen. Crewsaver seem to be the suppliers of this, (Around £100 I believe) and I think Ocean Safety might supply one as well.

We simply secured 8 month-old Geogina to one of us (we always wear lifejackets on passage) via her harness, hoping that if the boat decided to deep-six, we would have enough time to get her to a liferaft. Failing that, we could at least float on our backs with her held clear of the water. But as our Seamanship seminar proved, swimming fully clothed in an inflated lifejacket isn't easy.

She's now got a Crewsaver mini - which has a huge head support and permanent flotation, and should take her up to two years old. But - for infants, the cot seems a good idea. So long as you can deploy it in time...! (The fastest I have known a motorboat to go down is 7 minutes. It was a Nelson 42 which picked up a fishing net at speed. The net egg-whisked the shaft, which tore out the P bracket and thumped another hole nearby. The sea was calm, but with all pumps going the boat slipped under in less time than it took the 8 man liferaft to fully deploy!)



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6 Aug 2001
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You posts are as cheery as the weather !

So how many % is the MBM circulation going to drop next year.../forums/images/icons/smile.gif

Seriously - My best mate has a babe in arms (Dec 20010...given that the brat will be in open cockpiy and in marina nad with us when we are passage-making..what is the FULL list of security recommendations for them to acquire as he has been seriously unsuccessful in discovering

By the way for the shaft vs sterndrive dabate if a sterndrive had gone into those nets it couldn't havesunk that fast as hole would have been smaller..??

...I wanna boat please..