New member
New technologies give us new abilities. Or perhaps more accurately; New technologies give us the ability to do it more easily.
Should we say that the Jules Verne trophy for sailing around the world is only open to Portugese Caravels with a crew fed on salt beef or do we allow a boat built of modern iron or even resins to compete ?
Oh yes, and modern charts are not allowed either. You have to use an astrolabe for navigation and forget the Musto fleeces as well. Wool shirts only.
Anyone sailing is entitled to use what is currently available. Gas cookers, engines, edible dehydrated food, watermakers, charts, plotters, GPS, AIS, GMDSS, EPIRB, HSTC, NMfS, etc...
(I made up some of those acronyms.)
BUT it is not compulsory.
Do you have an old classic sports car that you sometimes drive?
Do you sail across the Channel on EPs and tide tables and use your skill ?
Do you use a sextant ?
Do you have a wooden hull ?
Do you have a gaff rig ?
Why should you be crititicised for being old fashioned ?
Are you criticised for having a manual gearbox on your car instead of a modern automatic one?
Are you chastised for not having GPS fitted to your car ?
Do you still have an inefficient sit up bicycle instead of a recumbent (more efficient) one ?
On the London to Brighton Rally does some prat jump up and demand that the cars cannot be driven unless modern brakes are fitted OR Do you drive the antique car in a manner comensurate with its limitations ?
Now to the point:
I enjoy sailing without these modern aids. Yes I use them from time to time but I want to sail in a way where I do not need to use them because I can solve the problem with skill and cunning.
(For example - sailing off the anchor instead of automatically using the engine)
Like driving a classic sports car without modern brakes - just need to anticipate a bit more.
Enough of my rubbish - What about you ?
Should we say that the Jules Verne trophy for sailing around the world is only open to Portugese Caravels with a crew fed on salt beef or do we allow a boat built of modern iron or even resins to compete ?
Oh yes, and modern charts are not allowed either. You have to use an astrolabe for navigation and forget the Musto fleeces as well. Wool shirts only.
Anyone sailing is entitled to use what is currently available. Gas cookers, engines, edible dehydrated food, watermakers, charts, plotters, GPS, AIS, GMDSS, EPIRB, HSTC, NMfS, etc...
(I made up some of those acronyms.)
BUT it is not compulsory.
Do you have an old classic sports car that you sometimes drive?
Do you sail across the Channel on EPs and tide tables and use your skill ?
Do you use a sextant ?
Do you have a wooden hull ?
Do you have a gaff rig ?
Why should you be crititicised for being old fashioned ?
Are you criticised for having a manual gearbox on your car instead of a modern automatic one?
Are you chastised for not having GPS fitted to your car ?
Do you still have an inefficient sit up bicycle instead of a recumbent (more efficient) one ?
On the London to Brighton Rally does some prat jump up and demand that the cars cannot be driven unless modern brakes are fitted OR Do you drive the antique car in a manner comensurate with its limitations ?
Now to the point:
I enjoy sailing without these modern aids. Yes I use them from time to time but I want to sail in a way where I do not need to use them because I can solve the problem with skill and cunning.
(For example - sailing off the anchor instead of automatically using the engine)
Like driving a classic sports car without modern brakes - just need to anticipate a bit more.
Enough of my rubbish - What about you ?