Lounge V boaty


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Being as we have a new lounge. Which is nothing to do with boats. Should we not also have a forum where boats actually move. Mo bo's obviously here, but maybe another one for the raggies. It dont sound fair to me, that at no finantiall gain, I or we, TCM for instance, go to great lengths to post stories etc. no one else bothers. So along with the lounge, we need a special private forum. Maybe we should take votes on enterents, bit like private parties. Folk done it to folk doing it forum. But private. Come on kim, if you can sort the dross out, you can sort out the good. I await with interest. Or being as the do'eres can only comumicate with other doeres. We dont realy want to put up with the . Gardners Question type, become the norm. You think were twats or what!!!!???? We useed to have a balence I'll admit, but if we need a lounge, we also need a proper boat forum as well!!


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16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
This is a proper boat forum

Nothing has changed, other than some of the completely non-boaty stuf has been encouraged to a new home. If you are sincere about your comments, you will be pleased.

We dont realy want to put up with the . Gardners Question type, become the norm.

[/ QUOTE ] With respect that's not your call - this is a great area for asking questions, relaying experiences and exchanging ideas...about motorboats. No need for further changes at this point in time.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Re: This is a proper boat forum

Suppose I'm just asking for more input from some, instead of just output. The Gardeners Question Type posts used to be intermingled by folks actually going some where,doing some thing, coming back and telling about it. Making the place interesting. Having get togethers. No one seems to want to bother anymore.


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2 May 2003
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Haydn, Like you I consider myself a bit of a do'er (not a go'er, anymore) well I'm out most weekends, 12 months of the year anyway, and take your point about the amount of times there is actually a "story" on here about "passages".

However like others perhaps, firstly I am in no way a wordsmith and indeed have probably always thought that my trips were somehow, "ordinary" or "mundane" and therefore not worthy perhaps of the "intelligencia" hereabouts. Secondly that I, like you I am sure, have witnessed perfectly well intentioned posts, crucified for some minor inaccuracy in the reportage. Reading between the lines I agree there are some right clever "dicks" about that do nowt, know all.

I have always come on here to listen & learn and have a bloody good laugh, plus attended "get togethers" for the same reason. I post the odd thing always with great trepidation that I might look a right Charlie! Luckily for me though, I have been told, I am outgoing & sociable generally thus unafraid to meet new people but can imagine with some of the very "strong" characters on this forum that could be a daunting prospect for others.

Probably for me the "lounge" is not going to be a benefit to the forum, I really don't want to be flicking about from one index to another, all my "mates" are on the MoBo forum. Same reason I don't go down the pub, all my associates are down the Yacht club and I aint driving about to find where they are?? Still take your point entirely and will start to post stories if anyones interested, we'll see. Paul


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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However like others perhaps, firstly I am in no way a wordsmith and indeed have probably always thought that my trips were somehow, "ordinary" or "mundane" and therefore not

Well you seem to have done ok so far.

Well just make it up then. I do!! /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif


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16 May 2001
By the Sea
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Re: This is a proper boat forum

When we sail the Atlantic in November should we grow fresh cress and fruit? Should we report back to Mobo garden question time, there don't seem to be an area on scuttlybutt?




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31 Jul 2002
Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland
there are a couple of "go'ing" logs on the Princess Owners CLub but there are very few in the way of people posting and telling where they have been. We have internet access on board so it was easier to write to the POC group and let others know what we were up to during Easter.

I think possibly the availability of internet whilst on board may be a factor as some would not be bothered to write about where they've been after the event...

Thanx to Conwy Marina, North Wales, for their wireless internet (I think it was their network I was connected to) /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif

Good cruising



16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Well, there used to be loads of interesting posts on here, thing is. If theres no actual boaty accounts on here, theres no banter, cos thats gone some where downstairs, and I for one cant be bothered to traips down there. PBO is for the mending types. So whats this place for anymore.

Not having int access never used to be a problem, far to busy on the boat anyway.

TCM goes to the trouble of finding an internet cafe, just to keep us informed. Not just this time either.

We manage to make sumat out of a five mile canal trip.

Thing is, when loads of folk put something in. We all got alot out. Life time friends for one.


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30 May 2001
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HLB - I'm sure you're absolutely sincere in wanting more real or imagined cruisey stuff but there are 2 things I don't understand.
What's wrong with them being on this forum as it's a MOBO place & I can't see any problem with a mix of Q&A & stories - in fact it makes it better.
If you're right, and there are hardly any peeps willing to do the decent thing & share their stories, then the "other" boaty forum would have hardly any entries on it n'est ce pas?
Also, the peeps who respond to the question time stuff are putting in unselfishly just as much as anyone else.
I don't actually visit this forum for lifelong friends but you're right that more stories would be quality.


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
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tcm and boaty stories

i really only report any decent longdistance stuff - not shorter runs around the solent unless it involves other forumites cos the interesting stuff on those shorter trips is much more personal stuff.

For long distances tho, i am a devout follower of the oldgit school of [oops not nice] scared listening for the slightest change in engine note (although er you don't have to listen too hard to hear alarms announcing 50 gallons of diesel in the bilges) and this extends to wanting to know about weather conditions further along the route.

Thus publishing "i am here, going there" stories by finding internet caffs is in no small part done from self-interest - the contact by PM from Nat was only found thru the forum and he can text/pm me detailed eastern spanish coast info. And of course i found the crew via the forum too tho that was more longer term, praps via the earlier stories of the gib-southampton trip.

I didn't really mean to make it quite such a saga! - praps the fact that it's fairly early season means that not many bigger trips are being done at the moment - there are not many private (not ship) boats out there once 10 miles offshore. Well, we saw none on radar actually...

I don't mind the q+a at all, and have found out good stuff that way. But i agree with H that it's fun to watch and leer at other trips, esp if they are "live" and it wd be fun to hear of more boaty excursions. Fortunately, brendan edited out all the v long text messages i sent about being very very stressed...


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14 Mar 2002
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I agree with you. And with Kim . And with HLB.
Firstly with you because I believe the forum should be somewhere people feel free to ask mobo type questions. Whether thats about what 20 yr old outboard to put on a 14ft fletcher, or what wax people find effective. PBO has some of that, but for me, often a bit too raggy related q's.
And with kim, because its not up to any individual to lay down what the forum is or isnt for.
And with HLB that there are few who bother to post any stories.

Personally, and I dont speak for anyone else, the previous technical update seemed to result in alot of (again to me) irrelevant and pointless questionaires. There also seem to be a profusion of "what are you doing at the moment" type posts. Hey, maybe thats what the forum is all about, and maybe I m just not as outward going or social as some, but I really dont care what someone is doing at the moment. Unless its something to do with boats. A year or two ago this was a really good forum where people shared stories and solutions to others problems as a community. Ok, there was a fair amount of fighting too ! Now is seems like the sort of chat room my teenage son wastes his time in. But I m not going to say what the forum should or shouldnt be. If its what i find rewarding to read and post on, I ll do so. If I dont, well, then I wont bother any more. But have a think of just how many people who used to appear on here have gone, and i think I m not alone in feeling that as a boat forum, its lost its way.