Being as we have a new lounge. Which is nothing to do with boats. Should we not also have a forum where boats actually move. Mo bo's obviously here, but maybe another one for the raggies. It dont sound fair to me, that at no finantiall gain, I or we, TCM for instance, go to great lengths to post stories etc. no one else bothers. So along with the lounge, we need a special private forum. Maybe we should take votes on enterents, bit like private parties. Folk done it to folk doing it forum. But private. Come on kim, if you can sort the dross out, you can sort out the good. I await with interest. Or being as the do'eres can only comumicate with other doeres. We dont realy want to put up with the . Gardners Question type, become the norm. You think were twats or what!!!!???? We useed to have a balence I'll admit, but if we need a lounge, we also need a proper boat forum as well!!