Looking For Work On A Steel Schooner


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11 Jan 2005
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We are a couple who are looking to make a large profit from plying the ever-growing tourist trade along the Skeleton Coast of Namibia. As I have a PADI Swiss Army Knife licence in salvaging wrecks [I was actually the first woman to get up close to the bow of the Titanic] I think that any businessman worth his weight in buckets, could only win by having me and my Italian skipper partner on board. My partner's skill rests mainly in the area of killing cockroaches and managing to convince prospective tourists that they actually don't need a head upon a boat. I mean, it's a vacation afterall! Buckets and tradition go hand in hand. Especially on the Skeleton Coast.
So, if there is anybody out there who can offer us a position, unpaid and with little food, we will jump at the chance.
Ja ne.
Maria and Francesco