Looking for boat building site in South Wales


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25 Jul 2003
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Had no luck with this query on Classic Boat forum so I thought I'd try here. I am hoping to move to South Wales next year (Swansea Valley), and also to begin construction of a 40 ft yacht, so I'll be needing a site to build. I'm not sure if there are any suitable yards in that area, and I'd appreciate any advice or suggestions. Also, if anyone has experience of building a boat of that size in their garden or on private land, I'd like to know whether they had any problems with neighbours or from the local council. What exactly do planning regs say about a situation like that?


New member
23 Dec 2004
Swansea Wales UK
I have no definite knowledge, but only sugestions;

Burry Port is the first place that comes to mind, there are spaces there which are underused beside or near the existing harbour. I suppose you would have to rent the space of the yard owners.

Swansea seafront and marina area are already under pressure for space.

The Swansea Valley must have space. I know there used to be (maybe still is) a large boat (ferro conc I think) being built in the Resolven area. That sort of area must have space for such a project.

As for local authority attitudes, I cannot tell. Would be up to a neighbor to complain I imagine before you found out!!

Ferryside has boat clubs that might have space.

Places like Barry might well have places, but I am not too familiar with that area.

Good Luck


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25 Jul 2003
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Mark, thanks for that - I have looked at Burry Port and it seems the ideal spot in some ways, having lots of empty ground near the water. I did wonder about buying a derelict industrial yard in that area, then selling at the end of the project, thus saving 5 or 6 years of boatyard fees. I have discounted Swansea, since as you say there is no space. Where is Ferryside? There is also a yacht club on the Neath river, just under the M4 flyover, do you know if they could provide space for a building project? Final question - as I also intend to build in ferro, I'd be grateful if you could give me some clues on locating the project in Resolven. It would be very useful to me to talk to the builder there . Diolch yn fawr!


New member
23 Dec 2004
Swansea Wales UK
Ferryside is on the River Tawe Carmarthenshire. There is a sailing club there whether they have space I don't know.

The Yacht Club under the M4 (Monkstone Sailing Club) at Briton Ferry may well have space, worth a look anyway. They seem to have a lot of boats on the hard under repair (last time I was there) and have a slip there for launching.

The first time I saw the boat near Resolven was in the early 70's, so I doubt its still a viable project. The approximate grid ref is 283500E 203700N Its been a while since I been up there, as a new road now goes up the Neath Valley, so forgive me if the ref is not quite right. The boat is up a lane on the west side of the A465, 100m or so from the old A465, opposite a large house with large grounds and ponds. It was quite visible from the road. But as said its a while since I have been up that road.

Hope that helps. Let me know if you need any further help.



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16 May 2001
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I built my 40 footer in my front garden. It was in a rural area and no one complained despite having a very active coven of NIMBYs in the village.

I erected a tent and did most of the work under that. Planning regulations say you can build a shed without planning permission provided it meets certain rules -

Not more than 4m high
Not covering more than 50% of the garden
Not within (i think) 5m of the boundary
Not nearer the road than existing buildings.

In reality if you're a reasonably quick builder you could probably be finished by the time the council gets round to enforcing any ban, especially if appeals are involved.

Don't underestimate the problems of getting the boat out especially if it's behind the house. We surveyed the route to the sea but still had a bit of bother with transport companies afraid of getting their lorries scratched in the lane approaching the house.

Cranes have to be really big to lift even a small boat over the top of the house.

You will need to keep your neighbours sweet. They will be upset by mess, noise, dust or smells. Anything that makes them think it will be there a long time and/or lower the value of their houses will make you instant enemies.

Good luck.


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12 Jun 2003
East Coast/ North Sea
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Probably worth while asking any of the local farming community, if they have a spare barn to rent.....Under cover, secure, and probably lectric & water not to far away....costing me £650.pa. and not having to put tools away etc dsaves a stack of time. HTH


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30 May 2001
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I haven't been there for years, but have you looked at Briton Ferry? Must be some sites near Giants Grave & under the bridge (used to be an interesting pub there & sailing club with moorings). Also closer to Motorway than Burry Port.
River Neath is navigable up to near Neath Abbey I think.


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25 Jul 2003
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I think that is the Monkstone sailing club, which I shall visit on my next trip to South Wales. I don't suppose you have any knowledge of the depths in the River Neath? It occurred to me I might be able to find a site higher up, on the bank. The boat I want to build has a 7 ft draught.