Lofrans Windlass


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24 Jan 2005
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Our Tigres windlass has started tripping out after 10 to 30 seconds - even with no load on it. Only two years old and with little use. Brushes look perfect but cleaned them anyway - no difference. Any ideas? <font color="black"> </font>


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16 May 2001
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assuming you have a thermal overload circuit breaker, i would say that the windlass is pulling just under the trip current so the breaker eventually heats up enough to trip.

if you don't have an ammeter in the circuit it would be worth borrowing one to see if the windlass is drawing too much current or the breaker is tripping below the preset current.


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6 Jan 2005
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as a full time liveaboard sailor.. I have used my own Lofrans Tigre windlass for about 13 years now.. and it works perfectly..

May I suggest to look at all electric contacts with 12 Volts electricity, this is often the problem..
16 May 2001
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So, is this "tripping out" actually the tripping out of a heavy duty circuit breaker in the main supply or is it the windlass stopping due to the control box clicking out and you need to re-press the control button?

If the former I would suggest replacing the trip with a 200amp fuse. If the latter then this is quite common with Lofrans control boxes which really aren't up to the job. (I'm on my third in three years) Next time it will get replaced with a pair of starter solenoids as used in the older inertia (bendix) starters of cars of the 1970s. Much cheaper and much more able to handle the current.

When a Lofrans box eventually gives up it is usually after the contacts have arc welded themselves together and overcome the feeble return spring (which usually looses it's temper) leaving you with the prospect of the anchor trying to bury itself in your foredeck unless you have the presence of mind to dash below and lever out the fuse. When a Lucas car solenoid fails it is usually in not closing the contacts and if you have this set-up you only have to replace one unit for around £17 rather than a Lofrans box at £85.

Steve Cronin


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20 Mar 2004
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Yes, I tend to agree with Steve_Cronin. I had a solenoid problem on my Lofrans when brand new. I took the box apart and found the main connecting bar slightly distorted, causing it to jam from time to time. Bent it straight and had no problems since (seven years).

The only other problem was nothing to do with the windlass, but caused the same tripping out problem you describe. Fitting a spice rack (yeh, I know, orders from SWMBO though!) in a food locker, I neatly placed a screw straight through the concealed up/down switch cable from the cockpit. This shorted out the solenoid each time I pressed the switch, though the 90amp circuit breaker took a few seconds before cutting out.

Luckily no damage at all was done, but have you done any screwing lately? (No unsavoury comments from those at the back, please!!!)

Otherwise, as has been posted, there's probably a dodgy connection somewhere. Do let us know the reason when you find it.
