Living with the covid


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Well into Half way through the season , how are you getting on with covid and restrictions?
breakdown have course us more problem then covid , but then that's boats .
We just had confirmation from Malta that we can enter so it's a 359 non stop sail for us to reach the islands from Sardinia although getting back into Italy may not be so easy .
What has it been like for you ? And have you had to change plains to keep ahead of it all .
I know some are still in Greece , how you plain to get back to your country of choses to winter out .


Well-known member
6 Dec 2012
Gone cruising
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No stress in Greece. You wear your mask to the shops and that's it. Taverna's were mixed with precautions, some very good, some completely ignoring it, but we only went a handful times anyways. Most of the time we enjoy quiet anchorages and met some old friends.

Getting back to Italy is a bit tricky, but I think we'll make it easier by sailing straight to Sicily. There you have to register on a website, confirm when you've arrived and then they may test you by throat swab or blood sample, but latest info from the marina is they do not currently do the testing. Avoiding entering any of the other Italian regions, we avoid having to deal with a different set of rules in each!

Of course this means we once again do not get to visit Malta on the way back, as that would likely just add more trouble than it's worth. Oh well, we're lucky there's any cruising at all these days. Tourism in Greece seems to be dropping off again now that Europe is re-closing. Opening up for tourism during a pandemic always was a desperate move and we can consider it a failed experiment at this point.

Expect winter will be similar to last year, but everyone will be used to it already.