Lightning at sea


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30 Jan 2002
Genoa Italy
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I was fishin the other day when a massive cloud containing thunder ets rolled over.
My friend was well up for staying underneath it, 'to make it more exciting', he said.
Are you more likely to get struck at sea?
I know that the rods wouldn't help, but still wonering if it is different from on land



New member
4 Jul 2001
Australia, East coast.
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G’day Michael.
I had the experience of lightning at sea twice in one day. We were delivering a yacht from Cairns on the N/east coast of Australia south to the Whitsunday Islands area. Luckily no damage to the boat but I can’t say the same for nerves. Both storms originated over the mainland and moved out to sea leaving us with few alternatives; dropped all but the headsail and closed up everything and battened down. I thought the first one in daylight was pretty bad it lasted about an hour; made a lot of noise, rain, and wind shifting all the time. The second one was that same night, and let me tell when you see lightning hit the sea 50 metres from you and an explosion of water and steam heading up at a great rate of knots, you start thinking about nothing but survival. We all laugh now when we talk about it, but at the time, it was bloomin scary.
For some answers to your questions have a look at the link listed below.

Andavagoodweekend OldSalt Oz......


26 Jul 2001
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Shouldn't really post fun at this, as the chap concerned is no longer with us.... But can still wet myself laughing thinking about it!!

A good few years back in the Solent, involved with some large sailing event, the course at each mark had moored a 'mark boat' typically a 30ft'ish raggy. One in particular was owned by this (really helpful, has an opinion about everything, always knows best) sort of person, you know every sailing club/marina has one.

The weather conditions were nasty, really sh1t, broken boats all over the course (these were hard core Olympic level sailors) which resulted in all the support RIBS etc zooming around all over the place, when a call came over the radio. " This is *** ***** we have just been hit by lightning, the bad part is most of us were on deck hanging on to something metal, *** ***** requires some assistance - over "

At this point all the RIBS stop dead in the water with crew wetting them selves with laughter and disbelieve at what they had just heard.

It could only of happened to Gerry, RIP.

Still LOL....