With the winter lift out now in sight i was wondering, is it o.K. to lift out my 29ft Sealine with the fuel tank full as is advised to stop the dreaded fuel bug? Thats 97 galls. which must be quite a weight.
Use Soltron additive at all times. The company no longer has English agent. Call them in Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK at 02890 471001. I have no connection of any kind with the company - just a satisfied user.
Of course it's ok, Margem. Are you worrid that the crane won't handle it? 97 gals is um 970 lbs so less than half a ton above the normal weight.
Has anyone else had diesel "bug"? I haven't. Is it a ruse to sell more diesel, so we all thrash around with nearly full tanks and hence use more juice?
Yes unfortunately, and it is a bug..gger to get rid of it!!!
Tank cleaning seems to be the only reliable way with some additives afterwards, we used a product called yachtycon.... yes I know ha ha,
still afraid of a return,
by the way always left the tanks full and that did not stop us getting it. Suspect it came with a bunkering of fuel at the end of a season a few years ago.