Hmm. I can remember the days when the whole quay area was a dark, dirty, frightening place- the railwayline was still there, rats as big as dogs in the tunnels, derelict industrial yards with old trains you could play on... at Seaclose there was a huge open air swimming pool that I spent every day of the summer hols in, rain or shine......... mind you I was only 10 or so. Now I regret the trendy pubs etc- but I don't live there anymore. Newport generally gets a really bad press and I think it's probably all to the good if it gets done up.
Personally I think the opposite. Its probably one of the last few places you can take a boat in the Solent that isnt crowded.
For me I would leave it as it is. But then thats me
Actually I'm hoping there's tons of space for me there this weekend- and I'm glad it's cheap- so I'm a bit of a hypocrite really /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif
Might be worthing checking - the boats haven't been craned in off the quay yet - not sure if it's this weekend or the next. Be chaos on the pontoon whichever.
Quick look at the tides, I would guess next weekend but you never know.
Certainly the impression being given is that it will be developed sympathetically - for instance it was seen as a mistake to allow the existing hotel to build to the waters edge and public access is going to be retained in any future development. Also Odessa Boatyard is doubling his frontage and pontoons along the Eastern bank. He is very keen to promote marine related businesses such as a chandlery and associated services - the boatyard is privately owned and the owner is an active yachtsman.
I think the idea of a sill has now been buried for the forseeable future and as long as the town quay remains tidal, it should retain a lot of it's existing character.
I suppose it's good news for the island?
But some how I wonder about the benefit for us less than rich yachtsmen
If someone else is prepared to spend £250,000 to dredge out the river and that allows those with deeper keels to get up there - that definitely sounds beneficial to one 'less than rich yachtsmen'