duh, I have no idea of what lettering to specify. The boat bods need to know. I got a graphic designer but he started spelling it as Dianna, not Diana, so toldim to get lost.
IMHO, need either bold rounded serifs like Bianca in buyfonts, or praps art deco like desdemona in MSWord or decollage or playmate in buyfonts, or I think Diana said a preference for no serifs in which case good ole arial bold?
Are they gonna bend the letters into a curve to fit on the garage door? Blimmin massive job this lettering mullarky....
ooh jolly good. I am leaning towards MS Comic Sans else all too serious. Bit like the roundy styles. Also, only sticky on so not too big prob to change.
Ask t'wife? Are you mad? Anyway, everything is my choice since boatname is hers. She can use the kitchen stuff though.
cos otherwise it will be rubbish. Like the time she chose wallpaer with flowers on, and all the ornaments which had to be thrown away. Also, she thought that aston martins would be okay as a compnay car, "but I can't make make my mind up between that or a Capri". So, I make these sort of decisions, she does everything else.
well not too sure, and steel letter have to be bolted on, which look bit weird, and no going back, and not engineery with holes drilled all over, and daft with lowercase ?
Praps one of those dot matrix jobs, with red LED letters whizzing across, like on the tube platforms and suchlike. Then can change name whenever you like. Also can do messages like "eff off, you're too close" or when stern to-ed "party tonite 7.30 bring babe and bottle" or even a safety conscious "door opening, cross check", also "babes on board" to erm make other drivers slow down...
Forget all that, get yerself a big fat felt tip pen, give it to wife, tell her to "sign" sheet of A4 paper, scan paper in to computiy thing, save as tif file, go to nearest sign maker shop, give them disc, Hey presto, wifey name as written by her, any colour you want, make her fell bees kness, chuffed and important, next big boat, a brezze.