Leopard update: Cutlery update



The guy who ordered hull number 24 has ducked out, said the salesman, so you can have number 24. Ah, no, said his colleague, he’s in prison. Anyway, you can have it in April. Okay, but my berth ain’t free till May. Okay , we’ll moor it in Cannes till then foc.

Then four meetings with Rodriguez in Golfe Juan. R are the sole distributors. But the guy from Ancasta “did the deal” and has proved helpful in getting stuff that wd be very very useful. His idea all the stainless steel in the cockpit, the pop-up extra cleats, etc etc.

Sometimes the meeting is me and the frenchies, sometimes me and frenchies (rodriguez) and the italians. Lots of drawings on the table etc etc.

Most of these meetings are held in a an Aladdin’s cave full of expensive stuff . Very expensive stuff. If your company made expensive stuff that could possibly be nailed on or in a boat, free samples are in that room. From marble, wood, taps, crockery, taps, lights, and even statues. There’s a half-sized brass leopard, ready for a 108 mangusta, entirely upholstered in leopardskin. Cripes. We’ve found a 2-foot bronze statue of Diana the Huntress, they said, how about that? Go on then.

The taps are next. Walloping great big taps with marble innem, look like an absolute fortune. Ah but they don’t show if it's hot and cold. Nor do they have red and blue washers. They could be engraved they said. Engraved with what, I asked thinking of resales or praps just being awkward– H and C as in English, or C and F as in French? We could deliver an H and a C and an F spare? Umm okay that should cover it.

Floors. I’m sick of hoovering carpets in boats, an even though there’s a central vacuum system, I don’t want carpet in the saloon, only in the cabins. In the med it goes all sweaty, in the uk it gets muddy, and all the boats with dark wood wall paneling that they then try and lighten with white carpet soon realise that having white or cream carpet in a marina full of massive diesels means the carpet cleaning men are rich. Okay then, wood it is. Choose some wood from the tons of examples. What about this? You can’t have that Mr S, it’s too um well….Too what? You said I cd have anything! The salesman translates: they are saying it is too cheap, not expensive enough! Oh. Well, what about this v light teak and holly, I said. Okay then, and if you don’t like the wood, we can always put an overcarpet on it afterwards, they say.

Cutlery next. Cutlery? Yes, the boat comes ready to go, so crocks and cutlery all included. Sort of Leopard cutlery, like f’line and s’seeker do on the big boats? Pah, of course not. You choose the cutlery you want, say the ladies. Out comes walloping pack of cutlery, and they’re all rather swish and heavy like in a ££restaurant. Coo, this one looks silver, says my wife. They’re all silver, say the nice ladies. Praps you shd look around some shops, remember the type, then tell us. Glub.

Despite going back thru lots of mags, it seems that MBY and MBM haven't ever reviewed cutlery, which is rather remiss. As a result, I know sod all about it. We went to Harrods to have a look. Lots of cutlery here, 2 or 3 grand for loads of the stuff in a box. But over there is Christofle. Aparrently they are the absolute dogs bits of the cutlery world. They have just one spoon and knife of each type. It has to be ordered. The "Marly" type is silver, French second empire style curly leaf bits around, but not too oldy or weird. These curly leafy bits can be gold, say the bloke, and shows us his one dessert spoon which costs about 120 quid. Wow. It looks like it's been nicked from Versailles or Fontainblau. But it’s silver so cleaning and what about over winter? Soddit, we’ll bring it home at the end of the season, or even keep it at home if it’s no good in sea air, says wife.

So next meeting we tellem the product code of this cutlery. The lady writes it down. There’ll be 12 place settings , she says. Even in cheaper France, the tiniest coffee spoon is thirty quid. I'm trying to work out waht a place setting will be, and they were blathering on a bout serving spoons, but I daren't push it. We’ll never get away with this, I'm thinking, they’re just bound to tell us to sod off. An hour or so later I get a call on the mobile. It’s Rodrigues, about the cutlery. Ah well. “Do we also want the the fish knives and forks?" asks the lady. Umm, I think we'll probably be alright without the fish knives, at least for the first season, I said. I shd've said of course we do, but best be nice about it.

Soon, we're going to the factory to see the boat in build. The man says it’s not a production environment such as Fairline. Eh? Anybody who has any idea of manufacturing thinks that Fairline is like a homebuild would be if you had a dozen very helpful mates in a big garage, so what will this be like? More later.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: eek eek and more eek


It's actually quite big job buying one of these jobs izzunit? I mean you have to traipse round stores looking at cutlery and stuff and have loads of meetings. Almost feels like diy? Can't you add to the spec the requirement that they come to you for meetings instead of you have to keep going there? Or vid conference it? Anyway, sod it, order the fishknives and sell on this forum if you don't want 'em.

Wood floor is seriously good idea. All the rage now on super yacht refits I gather, praps wiv inlaid carpet bits here and there all fitted nice and flush. Looks fantastic. I'm now your source on all such matters, just been invited to be a NED of the holding company of Boat Int, so feeling tres smug and await free passes to much floating luckshury. Keep up your subscription, need all the revenue can get

Anyway look, enuf about statues and stuff, tell us the mech eng spec. Wot motors? Wot elecs? Vacuflush bogs? Are you keeping the chromed R/Cs off the Cats and fitting them to the Leopard? etc etc



Re: eek eek and more eek

How can neds get on the boats foc tho? Dag pike just get a few mins I reckon, not a zoom round menorca. You'll have to do a lot more e than n, and praps help with opening the post first thing to get the free passes. Anyway, 8/10 jealous.

the motors and evrything are Massive. And there two genrators cos the washing machine is in the kids bog. And a watermaker. We cd have 1300's but the electronic management all sigh difficult and we don't advise, they sya, cos a local egr won't have a puter with MTU4Win loaded, but they can make up a cable. Also £££££for another few knots. Anyway. It's got loads of dials. And down stairs it has loads of dials too. And walky about with proper engineer's earmuffs on, so can pretend to be scottish marine engineer (aah doont thenk shell tek much moorr, Cap'n!). All looks a bit hard for personal spannering tho, and highly expensive so praps just wipe it wiv oily rags, and inspect filters. yes vacuflush but with a bit of water so not too aeroplaney and stinky.

Ooh anyway you'll have to shuttup and on BInt tho. Goodness me. You'll have to read up all the back copies. These guys with 108s etc get you muggin to be the ned cos they can't be bothered, and skippers with egrs so nothing to do. Hence there was a nice article about bloke and wife on nice private jet trip to choose what kind of marble for the bogs.

Of course I can't keep the chrome wotsits from 48. Anyway (ssh) I slightly mucked up that episode with s/s screws bit too short and stripped a thread in the block. What a hamfisted nutcase, but it didn't leak, so didn't bother retapping.

Actually, the very very worst thing that can happen early on is a teensy hardly noticed leak from the raw water, giving misty salty spray. Then eventually end of season1 slightly rusty engines. Then need chrome r/cs to tart it up. Oops.


Re: re: Leopard update

ah, no. The T36 posting was a tactical response to Colin Carpet's nasty and totally unwarranted posting about how he'd found a Leopard in holland, for which they were asking fourpence. Hence I posted similar about a t36. However, as a result he got lots of useful information from owners and ex-owners, plus tea and biccies in lymington. That's shown him, eh?

Anyway, much like a large Jag and a renault 5, T36 and leopard are both worth the same after 15years, leaving aside the cutlery which will obviousluy have been moved out, alomng with the tender, second genny, watermaker, bedspreads, lifejackets, crockery....so praps the leopard actually went UP in value? I feel much better.


Re: re: Leopard update

Bit worried about this silver and gold cutlery stuff. Is it dishwasher safe? You have got a dishwasher haven't you? Or does the Captain also do the washing up, but only for first 6 mths then it's down to the kids to do. Can't see Lucas lovingly polishing the knives 'n forks though can you? How about the plastic ones you get in KFC, they'll do then take the good stuff home and flog it at a car boot sale.

So anyway you've sorted the cutlery, plates, engines electronics, purple leather setee and wood floors. Where do we stand with the bedlinen and towels and normal stuff? Silk sheets are a bit passe so what you going for? Flanelette? I guess you've got the leftover fairline sheets but they'll look a bit out of place and only good for the engine room oily rag bit, so what you gonna choose? Oh and glasses. Obviously crystal, but which ones are best?

Cor you've got loads of decisions to make haven't you and we haven't started on the tender yet or what colour fenders or anchor wash (you did get them to go for that didn't you?) or burglar alarm or lifejackets, liferaft, mooring ropes, flares, anchor......


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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All sounds a bit more hard work than working.
I mean shopping? Not so bad for engines and interesting things but washing machines and cutlery, bed sheets and pillows!! Much more fun on my boat with everybody laughing at th-wifes hand me down approch to boat cutlery. The egg slice, I remember from being a kid, it belonged to my mother and the wood handle bit was missing then!!
We have an egg cup (plastic) but the others got lost some place. I got shamed into real glass glasses when one of our visitors went out and bought his own.
We did buy a nice new dinner service from Asda, but then we lost most of it going round Start Point so its a bit more mix and match now. But unlike Matt we do have a serving spoon.
It's plastic with holes in the bottom for the water to drain off, it looks OK apart from the burnt bit where some prat used it in the frying pan. Then theres the cork screw, just a handle on the end of a thread. Should be getting to the antique stage by now (Any Offers) Theres a lovely yellow teapot, well it go's a bit smaller round each headland but it still holds water. (just)
To save space half the pans dont have handles and thats been since th-wife brought them down to my nice 90 grand pride and joy three years ago!!
On the plus side. I can do all the sailly bits myself and it parks
most any place with th-wife doing her Hopalong Casady bit on the front of the boat with a big lassoo!!
OH!! and I fogot. I've just purchased a cordless drill for the boat cos I got fed up with forgetting to bring one from home.
Its made by Stanley cost a fiver and has a handle on the side to turn. Brilliant!! And saves on going to the gym.
The guys finally got around to reupholsterying the fly bridge from Febuary so it now looks lovely under its winter covers, shame about sitting on it in the Channel Isles this summer with the red insulation tape holding it together and everybody looking down the harbour wall at us.
Suppose the good point is, we could actually fit in the harbour!!



Re: re: Leopard update

Yes dishwasher safe, and dishwasher. The glasses are crystal, solidish, plus spares for cockpit. No kfc down there, mcD needs no cutlery. 5 towels and stuff each, duvet covers I spose, boats that we have visited secondhand have been drowning in towles still in plastic. Gave up on decideing which are best so just simple ones. Hum ,the fenders and lines will be black, yes anchor wash, and alarm with cctv, and lifejackets, flares plus massive fire hydrant contraption for drenching children and conclusively (at last) winning high-powered multi-hose water fight.


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Wot no fish knives!!!

I was about to offer to become your resident diver to gather lobsters, crabs, scallops and dover sole (caught 6 lobsters last weekend) but, and this is a big but, I couldn't possibly allow them to be eaten with ordinary(?) cutlery. How common!!

I presume that amongst the pots and pans (you will be supplied with pots and pans won't you? ) you will have a proper fish kettle?

Another advantage of a resident diver is that you can have the bottom scrubbed and therefore get that extra bit of speed and save on that expensive French fuel. Why not fit a compressor instead of one of the generators? Much more useful! This offer only stands whilst I feel in my current generous mood so let me know asap or else I may take up a position elsewhere.


Re: eek eek and more eek

Stefan have you not been following the plot here? Go the the back of the class and write out 100 lines. "it's a fixed price and anything you can think of you can have"

See these Italian's aren't[ cheapskates. They sell the boat list price only, no discount ever but everything you want or can think of, is included. That's how jfm's getting all his new electronic stuff, hlb's getting new gearboxes and a repeater, I said repeater, Longjohnslivers getting a parrot, Pauline B's getting a divorce and I'm getting a flower arrangement and a kettle.

All you do is tell Matt what you need, he specifies it for his boat and when he gets the boat, you get your stuff. Got it now?


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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Re: eek eek and more eek

Look I don't need another parrot - I have a family full of them. But I would like a new colour chart plotter and radar. I wonder if they would smell a rat if Matts ordered 7 of each plus extra gearboxes and engines. He could always claim they were for the tender/water bike/jetski etc etc!!!

How about it Matt?


Forget the cuttlery

I find it better to have a hellideck fitted, great for loafing about in the sun and when you want food etc have the caterers fly in by hellicopter and do their thing. I have discovered that they provide all that tedious stuff and food as well and afterwards they take all the cuttlery away and do something with it, I'm not sure what but when they come back again it is all shiny, looks like new and is ready to use again. Makes things much simpler and you do not have to think too much.