LAM Sailmakers - Anyone?


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12 Jan 2004
East of England
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I have received a quote from a well known local sailmaker for a new genny for a cross cut 100% in 'exclusive' 8.0oz high tenacity woven polyester for £1415 .

I found a hong kong sailmaker called A. LAM who quoted 8.4 oz contender supercruise dacron sailcloth for $1484 US

A considerable saving, anyone got any experiance of these sailmakers?

A LAM goes to considerable length to poo poo the high prices charged over here and the bullshit put around by sailmakers with regard to sailcloths to justify there high prices and say that they indeed make many of the sails for the leading sailmakers.

I would be grateful for any personal experience of these makers and not just the 'A LAM to the slaughter' type remarks

Thought I would get in first.


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16 May 2001
Cargreen, Cornwall
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Sweet Lucy may be getting a new set of sails shortly and I, too have been very tempted by cheap far eastern sails. However, teh bottom line for me has always been that I want the maker of the sails to be responsible for final fit. If a sail from Hong Kong is an inch or two too long in the luff, who is going to recut it?


New member
12 Jan 2004
East of England
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I would agree, however the difference in price is considerable enough to temp me into taking the risk. The manufacturers P,J numbers etc are used and apparently they then email a computer design for approval before manufacture. It seems a professional enough organisation, apparently they manufacture sails for cheoy lee as a link to there owners site appears on the web site.
The sail cloth mentioned is a popular type in a good weight - I just dont fancy being the guinea pig!