KvT has turned up today at Marians Place...the e-mail address checks out, and for what it is worth his IP address is unique to that name. I say for what it is worth, as the somewhat vitriolic style laced with black humour and a good spinkling of Germanischer English that was the trade mark of the old KvT just doesn't seem to be there at the moment! Maybe it is the two years in the wilderness /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif of not posting, or even worse perhaps he has at long last found a woman/forums/images/icons/wink.gif
But it's not quite the same KvT ... He's sort of lost his act - His out and out rudeness is gone. I guess it's him now having to play with Euro monoploy money.
I post on the 4th October asking whatever happened to him and he miracously makes an appearance for the first time ever and after 2 years of silence on BYM within 48 hours !! However I was shocked to see that everyone I ever knew on Scuttlebutt appears to have transfered allegiance to BYM.
It does rather make you think that KvT has been sitting "lurfing" in the background for the past couple of years, whilst his alter ego has been blythely posting. Still got no real lead as to who he is...for all we know, it could easily be Steve101...nah, forget I said that, KvT's posts are making a bit of sense!!
I think you will find that most of "the old guard" from SB tend to post on BYM as well as on SB. A lot of the old style banter still continues over there...I guess that it is the evolution of the species!! What we all used to enjoy on the old SB does not appeal to the "young turks", but whilst they do not wish to join our play time on BYM, we are still appreciative of their company on SB!!
Chez Marians...sounds like a nice little wh*rehouse , red lights all over the place , cumfy bar , cooeing damsels and damn difficulty to get out without leaving a part of oneself /forums/images/icons/blush.gif /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
Before you can start to enjoy yourself, you have to post the URL (which I must add is not to be encouraged!!). However the 5 Bloody Marys seem to be quite a good idea, and I will certainly drink to that!!
said he , remembering that horsie people sit straight in the saddle and put their spurs into the weak fleshy corners . Next , a big pink flash was seen , a putrid smell of sulphur was filling the place , bang bang , and the man was gone....leaving nowt but one golden spur.
I seem to remember that people from there thought it would be really funny to put wind up posts in this forum under assumed names before dashing back to the security of their cozy little bunker. Gosh, what a wild caper and high jinks!
I think that foolishness has been well aired in the past, and an agreement was reached that the BYM regulars would all behave when we came onto the YBW fora...which we have done.
Unless I am very much mistaken, it is BYM that is currently having to put up with von Thadden NOT Scuttlebutt, yet the subject of KvT was raised here not there...how do we know that YOU zefender, are not KvT???
The biggest wind up post that has occurred here in recent months was I think you will find one of the "young turks" in the shape of Steve101. Kim will confirm that he and Marian have exchanged e-mails watching for any further re-appearances of this clown.
It's strange that comment about this forum on BYM is critical but comment about BYM on this is usually glowing. I'm not getting at you - just redressing the balance!
BTW - Steve has reappeared and now been binned on stinkiegrubs forum
It seems to me that both have a place and co-exist quite happily. They both serve different styles and many boat people enjoy them together. I am sure the silent or not so silent posters would agree. Why start a war when everybody is on the same side. Mischief making sometimes happens but it is only ever a blip isn't it?