New member
Hi Everyone! I am doing some racing this season (fastnet etc) in my Bavaria 36 (dont laugh!) /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif, so I splashed out on a kiwiprop, that we fitted in March. THrough April, we had weird broblems in astern: the revs would not go more than about 1200... so, off it came, and on went the old prop (reverse revs now bask to normal).
Kiwi had the prop back, tested it and pronounced it as okay, but moved the stops slightly.
We put it back on this morning, and although it is "better", the revs still top out at 1500 /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif. Kiwi suggested tickover needs to be higher (currently at 600) so that the blades land on their stops efficiently, so I have tried raising the revs ever so slowly. again, by the time the throttle is fully open, the engine is only doing 1600. this then builds slowly over the next minute or so, but will make stopping in a berth a little "interesting"!!
ANyone ever heared of this problem?
Kiwi had the prop back, tested it and pronounced it as okay, but moved the stops slightly.
We put it back on this morning, and although it is "better", the revs still top out at 1500 /forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif. Kiwi suggested tickover needs to be higher (currently at 600) so that the blades land on their stops efficiently, so I have tried raising the revs ever so slowly. again, by the time the throttle is fully open, the engine is only doing 1600. this then builds slowly over the next minute or so, but will make stopping in a berth a little "interesting"!!
ANyone ever heared of this problem?