What is the proper name for the handle you pull to "kill" the engine... and where can one buy a replacement cable? Mine has gone all stiff and seems to be corroded where it enters the boat.
I don't think it has a proper name other than a T-handle or sometimes it is a knob. The handle usually comes with the cable which is a stop cable (push-pull cable). There are various manufacturers including Teleflex Morse and Vetus and some engine manufacturers have their own eg Volvo. Although many are universal fitting (when you buy the cable and bracket together), if you want to use the old bracket and make life easy for yourself, try to get the same make again. You can't necessarily fit a different cable to your existing bracket as they may not be compatible.
They are called stop cables, from the broad group known as control cables. They come with a T handle on one end and plain wire at the other. Teleflex, amongst others, do them in various lengths, the Teleflex reference being A410 and available from 2m to 10m in 0.25m increments.
Mine has gone too, I was planning on using bicycle brake cable and making some sort of handle to clamp on to the end. on the engine it simply clamps onto the fuel cut of lever (1Gm10)
I was planning on using bicycle brake cable and making some sort of handle to clamp on to the end
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Mmm... doubt if that would work. Stopping the engine, yes, but the cable must be pushed back to its full original position. Bicycle brake cables are too floppy for that .
With a spring return that would work. Save giving yourself a fright when the engine won't restart, because you've forgotten to push the stop control back in.
I bought a choke cable from a motor factors for pennies and it works fine. The little lever it attaches to on the engine does have a spring return.
I was going to use a brake cable, but the choke cable is solid core as opposed to the multistrand brake cable. It even came with a nice knob moulded to one end of the cable.