Hello racylady112, and welcome to the forum. Talbot's right - sailorman's response was a little harsh. Anyway, as far as your question is concerned, I wonder whether you've considered contacting a Volvo Penta dealer? They're often a good source of replacement parts for Volvo Penta engines.
re sailorman im not a computer nerd ive plenty of other things to do,Its the second and last time I shall write to a forum I did not think I would offend anyone. Having lived in the antipodes I can now undestand why the australians & New Zealanders call some brits whinging Pomms
Sorry to see you've been treated like this - particularly by Sailorman who is usually very helpful. I guess you've just caught him on an off-day. I hope it won't put you off using the forums where this sort of thing very rarely happens; on the contrary, the huge majority of posts receive positive, useful and encouraging replies. (Though you've got to be able to laugh at yourself if you say something stupid, even by accident!)
Go on, give it another go!
PS Sorry I can't help with your original question.
A first post that starts 'where can I...?' seems a bit terse and I think sailorman can be forgiven for finding it so. He DID say 'Welcome' so nothing wrong with HIS manners. Why not say 'Can someone help me find...etc?' Just because we're communicating in type instead of voice doesn't mean we can't give the impression of politeness. Politeness costs nothing and means a lot to the recipient(s). If racylady has been looking at the forums he/she should know how it works. If racylady thinks we're whinging pomms because we like good manners, sod 'im/'er, so there! /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I hardly think that coming straight to the point and asking a question succinctly can be regarded as bad manners, especially on a forum designed for exactly that and on which such posts are actually quite common. However, posting a reply when you have no answer to offer, and with the sole intention of issueing a public b*ll*cking is the height of bad manners. I think if I had done that in a momentary loss of good grace, I would be thinking of offering a public something else by now.
Er... but not my local VP dealer; can't remeber exactly what he said but I ended up going to the usual high street key cutter and getting a "normal" replacement cut. Whatever type I have, my crew seem to get to it eventually and stand on it at some point during a race. Hence most of my keys, original or not, are bent and I try to remember to remove it before the start...
My reply was polite and constructive and would hopefully promote politeness on the forum. My comment 'sod 'im/'er' was a retort to the accusation that we are a nation of whingers. If I have offended any forumites, MY APOLOGIES. Never let it be said that I can't tender the hand of compromise. /forums/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Hi Racylady
sorry if u took offence but would u walk into a Pub bar having never been there before & demand infomation from the regulars, relaxing @ the bar having a quiet drink & smoke after work, without firstly some sort of introduction. i dont think so!.
we poms r very delicate & we have to ask very politely to get honest answers.
the bull / china shop approach doesnt always work,
hello sailorman ive cooled down now and bought my keys from the high street, not the ones I really wanted, but they will do, by the way my trade? A publican