Johnson 4 HP Seahorse


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7 Jul 2007
Sidmouth, Devon
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Hi I really hope someone can help me, I have recently bought this outboard. I thought by unscrewing the screw at the top of the casing, it would let me into the engine underneath, I know know that was a big mistake (what an idiot i had an Ailsa Craig before that just clipped off) as i can not get the pull cord to return, Obviously i have made a serious mistake.
Can someone please help an idiot?:


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13 Jul 2002
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You dont give the year or model number but my guess is that an oldish one 1980s ?

You are not the first to discover that the bolt on the top is what holds the recoil system all together and in the top half of the cover.

If i am right about the age the cover is held by"fixings" at the back and front.

Basically you have released the spring and every thing else. You will have to rebuild the mechanism in the cover without the cord and wind the spring up several turns before refitting the cord, while holding the spring. It will then be wound in by the spring once released. Unless someone can quote from a w/s manual you will have to get the extent to which the spring is wound up by trial and error. Aim to get it so that it just winds the cord in firmly but not so that the cord cannot be pulled out to its full length.

This is the same procedure that you would have to follow to renew the cord I think.

You may find the diagrams HERE useful

The procedure has been described on here before but could be as much as a couple of years ago. You might find it with a search. Maybe someone else who has done it will be along or will respond when they get back into the office on Monday.

If all else fails ask on the Johnson Evinrude forum at iBoats
Be sure to quote the year and/or model number if you go there.


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2 Sep 2006
East Midlands
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This outboard is also the Evinrude 4hp. I did loosen that nut slightly to see if it would let me take the top off but I realised something was going pear-shaped with the recoil before I had undone it much and I got a Mercury 2.5hp about the same time so my Evinrude is still waiting for me to examine.

However my mate recently got a Johnson and I was able to tell him (because I had asked a bloke at a boat jumble selling one) that to get to the engine you first have to take off the bottom part of the cowling and you unscrew the 2 bolts that are horizontal (assuming engine standing up), one at the front and one at the back. This lower cowling then will come off. It has a slit at either the front or rear but take it off very carefully, don't split it in two. Then if you have the engine upside down you will see some bolt that secure the top cover, these bolts are in a vertical plane. Once you have undone them the top cover should come off. I would guess that will enable you to fix the recoil and do anything else you want.

Please remember I have never done this myself but believe this to be correct. I need to clean the blocked fuel jets but it may well be winter before I get round to that. good Luck.


Active member
6 Oct 2002
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Hello and welcome to the forum. So you found that your outboard has a hidden 'Zeebedee' a night mare and your not the first to find that out. If you are not technically minded take it along to your nearest outboard dealer (any make) they will have come across this often and it is a five minute job for them. If however you are good at DIY it is a task you can carry out your self. the trick or secret in getting it to rewind is to undo the the pull handle knot while you are rewinding it. Good luck.


I have the W/S Manual if you'd like to give me model and Serial # by PM ...

Then I will try and find the relevant section and scan for you ... e-mail back ...

We all do some silly things !!


OK ... noted ... will look in the book and when I sorted scan etc. - will PM you ....


New member
5 Jun 2011
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yah i just bought one to and did the same thing put it back together (2 hours) then 2 pulls later doesnt work. im taking it to a shop **** this.